
Re: [Networker] Red Hat kernel version

2005-11-17 15:47:13
Subject: Re: [Networker] Red Hat kernel version
From: Dag Nygren <dag AT NEWTECH DOT FI>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 22:45:33 +0200
> In regard to: Re: [Networker] Red Hat kernel version , Dag Nygren said (at...:
> > You can add the following line in /etc/modules.conf:
> > options scsi_mod max_scsi_luns=256 scsi_allow_ghost_devices=1
> That's very good to know -- thanks for sharing!
> I'm not sure I understand what enabling the scsi_allow_ghost_devices is
> supposed to do, though.  Looking at the comments in scsi_scan.c, it looks
> like this is only needed if you want to be able to access a device
> that says it's offline.  Googling it has turned up hints that it's useful
> for multipathing, but not much else.  Even Doug Gilbert's Linux SCSI
> site doesn't provide much info on it.
> Can you provide a link to some more thorough documentation on when this
> option is needed?
> Based on my reading of the two options, it seems like just the
> "max_scsi_luns=256" might be enough to get non-0 lun probing working even
> when CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN is not set in the kernel, but you obviously
> know more about this than I do, so I'm guessing there's something I'm
> missing.
> Thanks again for sending this, it's been very useful.

Sorry for confusing you, just copy/pasted from one of my customer's
/etc/modules.conf. And the ghost-part just slipped in.

Yes, that part was added for multipathing and what you really need
is only the max_scsi_luns=256. You might not even need 256, but it will
not hurt too much. And 256 is what CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN puts in


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