
[Bacula-users] 7.4.x Device Resource, Alert Command documentation and usage

2017-04-18 02:55:10
Subject: [Bacula-users] 7.4.x Device Resource, Alert Command documentation and usage
From: Charles <c AT charlesmatkinson DOT org>
To: bacula-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2017 11:57:20 +0530
How should the sample Alert Command using tapeinfo be configured?

In the Bacula Main Reference 7.4.3 (18 June 2016).pdf", section 18.3 
"Device Resource" shows a sample Alert Command:

    Alert Command = "sh -c ’tapeinfo -f %c | grep TapeAlert’"

That was copied and pasted into the Bacula conf but generated:

Alert: -f: 1: -f: ’tapeinfo: not found
3997 Bad alert command: sh -c ’tapeinfo -f /dev/sg5 | grep TapeAlert’: 
ERR=Child exited with code 127.

After changing the tapeinfo to /usr/sbin/tapeinfo the error messages 
were similar.

After changing the ’ characters to ' characters the error messages were 

The difficulty was worked around by using an external script to simplify 
the conf:

     Alert Command = "/usr/local/sbin/"

How should the sample command be configured?

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