
Re: [Bacula-users] Hostname not found

2017-02-10 12:21:38
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Hostname not found
From: Kern Sibbald <kern AT sibbald DOT com>
To: Dan Langille <dan AT langille DOT org>, dweimer AT dweimer DOT net
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 18:20:56 +0100

I suspect that this is a problem with the FreeBSD networking implementation.  If I remember right on FreeBSD, when doing name lookups, if the packet size is not *exactly* what FreeBSD wants, it fails the call.  On Linux and other machines (Solaris, Mac), as long as the packet size is equal or greater than what is needed the OS call succeeds.  If I am not mistaken, Bacula allocates space for the larger of IPv4 and IPv6 (which is always IPv6), and so if you are using an IPv4 network, Bacula may send OS calls with a packet size larger than actually required.

If this is the case, I would consider it a FreeBSD bug.  For me to fix it is a bit complicated, because I need to know exactly what call is failing and the values that FreeBSD wants.  By the way, it is possible this is already fixed in the Enterprise version where FreeBSD is supported too.  If that is the case, in my next round of backporting to start next week, it will get fixed.

Best regards,

On 02/10/2017 05:47 PM, Dan Langille wrote:
On Feb 10, 2017, at 11:45 AM, Dean E. Weimer <dweimer AT dweimer DOT net> wrote:

On 2017-02-10 10:02 am, Dan Langille wrote:

NOTE: this message is not about resolving the permissions error.  It is about [what appears to be] a DNS issue.
Please help me understand which hostname is not being resolved in these messages.  My checks with dig to verify DNS have found no errors.
I have checked:
Client:                 crey-fd
Read Storage:           "bacula-sd-01-file" 
Write Storage:          "tape01" (From Job resource)
I've checked the bacula configuration files, looked for the Address, and run 'dig +short' on the hostname
Then, with the IP address from the previous dig, I do 'dig +short -x'.  I get the original hostname.
Ideas please?
Dan, unfortunately this isn't solution to your problem, but I can say, your not alone I have had periodic issues with Bacula failing to resolve host names on FreeBSD. I just gave up and went to IP Addresses. When it occurs it has only been the Bacula process. I have tried testing every which way I can from the OS and always received successful resolution of names. I have had it do it after running fine for several days, then without a reboot, service restart or anything just start failing to resolve. Rebooting server sometimes would fix it, but sometimes it wouldn't, even removed Bacula and reinstalled once without it fixing the problem.
I just upgraded my home Bacula server to 7.4.5 this morning and after seeing this, tried switching one of my clients over to name instead of of IP and it did resolve ok and check status of that client. Then checked with my storage daemon switched to name as well. So it doesn't seem to be the latest update that broke your system, perhaps you found that same bug I have periodically ran into, but not found a solution to yet.

On the server in question, are you using unbound?  I've found that the SD in question is using unbound, running FreeBSD 11, and there is a DNS issue on that host.

Dan Langille - BSDCan / PGCon

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