
Re: [BackupPC-users] Slow backups; Collision issues

2009-07-01 12:25:31
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Slow backups; Collision issues
From: James Esslinger <slinger AT arlut.utexas DOT edu>
To: "General list for user discussion, questions and support" <backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net>
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 2009 11:20:14 -0500
Comments inline.

Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote:
> This makes sense and is relevant to a recent thread we had on pooling
> and hashing.
> I imagine that all your bitmaps in addition to being the same size
> also have the same first 1MB (or at least the same 1st and 8th 128KB
> blocks). This would lead to them all having the same pool hash which
> would then require the file to be compared against all 4527 files in
> the chain. If the files are big and substantially the same, then this
> comparison *will* take a while though I'm not sure why it would take
> 2-3 days.

I'm not really sure either, but it looks as though every bitmap is
compared to every other hash of this 4527 set.  One iteration through
this set seems to take up to 5 minutes.

In the case of these bitmaps.  They are basically plot graphs with a lot
of white space and almost identical, thus causing the 1st and 8th 128KB
to be the same.

 > This could be solved (to varying degrees) by any of the several
> suggestions that I have previously made for modifying the pool
> hashing, including:
> 1. Using a full file md5sum hash rather than a partial one
> 2. Using the full file md5sum hash as the index in case of a collision
> 3. Adding the full file md5sum hash to the file header.
> I know there are various pros/cons of each of these extensions but
> given that most people probably use rsync/rsyncd and given that protocol 30
> gives you full file md5sums for free, it seems to make sense to
> consider taking advantage of having a full file md5sum hash either
> instead of or in addition to the partial file md5sum hash that is used
> now.

Having some type of option on which hashing mechanism would be nice.

> How many such bitmap files are there? Unless there are many thousands
> of them, I'm not sure how it goes from 4-5 hours to 3+ days.

As I stated above, comparing one file to all the other files with the
same hash takes about 5 minutes.  So this done 4500 other times really
extends the backup time.  It doesn't seem as though there is any type of
caching for this operation so it has to read the files from the
filesystem everytime, which isn't very efficient.

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James Esslinger       --   slinger AT arlut.utexas DOT edu
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