
Re: [BackupPC-users] Perl script for deleting files & directories from backups...

2008-11-04 16:48:39
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Perl script for deleting files & directories from backups...
From: "Jeffrey J. Kosowsky" <backuppc AT kosowsky DOT org>
To: <backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net>
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2008 16:46:31 -0500
A couple of caveats that I thought of after I hit the "return"...
1. Assuming that the logic of attrib entries (and type=10), hasn't
   changed, this should be backward compatible with earlier versions of
   BackupPC (I am using 3.1.0)

2. The program does *not* adjust the backupInfo files so if you delete
   something then the sizes and numbers of files mentioned in backupInfo
   will be wrong. Correcting this is not even fully possible, since it
   would be hard if not impossible to recover some of the entries.

3. I left out one important additional option flag and accompanying
   line snippets (I mistakenly appended a slightly earlier version).
   This is the option to run BackupPC_nightly after delete is
   completed if you are not patient enough to wait for the disk space
   to clear.
   Note: other than running BackupPC_nightly, my script doesn't touch
   the pool (which is a GOOD thing) and allows BackupPC_nightly to
   come along and actually remove the final inode link that will free
   up space -- but you may be impatient for the disk space... or for

Here is the updated version: (sorry for messing up the first time)

use strict;
use File::Path;

use lib "/usr/share/BackupPC/lib";
use BackupPC::Lib;
use BackupPC::Attrib qw(:all);
use BackupPC::FileZIO;
use Getopt::Std;

use Data::Dumper;  #Just used for debugging...

my $DEBUG=''; #Overrides debug option if set to non-empty ''

die("BackupPC::Lib->new failed\n") if ( !(my $bpc = BackupPC::Lib->new) );
my $TopDir = $bpc->TopDir();
(my $root = "$TopDir/pc") =~ s|//*|/|g;
my %Conf   = $bpc->Conf();
my $attrib = BackupPC::Attrib->new({ compress => $Conf{CompressLevel} });

my %opts;
if ( !getopts("h:n:s:rmfqtcd:", \%opts) || @ARGV < 1 ) {
    print STDERR <<EOF;
usage: $0 [options] files/directories...
  Required options:
    -h host         Host (or - for all) from which path is offset
    -n backupNum    Full backup number (or - for all) from which path is offset
                    WARNING: this will also delete the file/directory from all
                    subsequent incrementals

  Optional options:
    -s shareName    Share name (or - for all) from which path is offset 
    -r              Allow directories to be removed too
    -m              Paths are unmangled (i.e. apply mangle to paths)
        -f              Force children to be removed even if changes from file 
to directory (or vica-versa)
    -q              Don\'t show deletions
        -t              Trial run -- do everything but deletions
        -c              Clean pool - schedule BackupPC_nightly to run (requires 
server running)
        -d level        Turn on debug level (if undefined in code)

if ( $opts{h} !~ /^([\w\.\s-]+)$/
        || $opts{h} =~ m{(^|/)\.\.(/|$)} ) {
    print(STDERR "$0: bad host name '$opts{h}'\n");
my $host = my $hostregex = $opts{h};

if ( $opts{n} !~ /^(-|\d+)$/ ) {
    print(STDERR "$0: bad dump number '$opts{n}'\n");
my $num = my $numregex = $opts{n};
my $share = my $shareregex = $opts{s};
my $mangle = $opts{m};
my $force = $opts{f};
my $rmdir = $opts{r};
my $quiet = $opts{q};
my $dryrun = $opts{t};
my $runnightly = $opts{r};

($DEBUG eq '') && ($DEBUG=$opts{d});
#$DEBUG && ($dryrun=1);  #Uncomment if you want DEBUG to imply dry run
$dryrun=1; #JJK: Temporarily set to always dry-run (paranoia)

($hostregex eq '-' ) && ($hostregex = "[^/]+");
($numregex eq '-' ) && ($numregex = "[0-9]+");
if ($shareregex eq '-' || $shareregex eq '') {$shareregex = "f[^/]+";}
(my $findpath = "$hostregex/$numregex/$shareregex") =~ s|//*|/|g;
my @branches = `find  $root  -maxdepth 3 -regex \"$root/$findpath\"`;
chop(@branches);   #Note you could do this in native perl using preprocess but 
it is messy

my @Ante = my @Post =();
if ($num ne '-') {
        if ($host eq '-') {
                die "Error: wildcard for host requires wilcard for backupNum\n";
        else {
                (-d "$root/$host/$num") || die "Error: Backup $num on host 
'$host' doesn't exist\n";
                find_backup_heirarchy("$root/$host", $num, \@Ante, \@Post);
                #These are the backups with lower and higher incremental 
numbers (starting at 0).
                #@Ante is in descending order from $backupNum
                #@Post is in ascending order from $backupNum
$DEBUG > 1 && (print "ANTE[$num]: " . join(" ", @Ante) ."\n");
$DEBUG > 1 && (print "POST[$num]: " . join(" ", @Post) ."\n\n");

my $filesdeleted = my$attribsdeleted = 0;
my @filelist=();
my $warnflg=0;
while (@branches) {
        my @files = @ARGV;
        while (@files) { #Start to delete each file/directory (and adjust 
antecedants & descendants)
                my $delflag=0;
                $mangle && ($files[0] = $bpc->fileNameMangle($files[0]));
$DEBUG > 2 && $mangle && print "Mangle: $files[0]\n";
                (my $file ="$branches[0]/$files[0]") =~ m|(.+)/(.+)|;
                my $dir = $1;
                shift @files;
$DEBUG > 2 && print "LOOKING AT: $file\n";
                ( -d $dir ) || next; #Nothing to do since parent directory 
doesn't exist

                if (-d $file) {
                        unless ($rmdir) {
                                $warnflg || warn "Can't delete directories 
unless set -r flag\n";
                else { # If not a dir, we first need look at earlier backups to 
see if a file (not dir) exists
                           #with same name without an intervening same name 
directory or deleted file attrib. 
                           #If so instead of deleting the attrib entry for the 
current file, we will set the type 
                           #to 10 (delete) and blank the other (no longer 
meaningful) entries.
                        my @ante =@Ante;
                        while(@ante) {  #Note not executed if we set the 
wildcard for numBackups since then @ante=()
                                (my $prevback = $file) =~ 
$DEBUG >1 && print "ANTE[$ante[0]] $prevback [" . (-f $prevback ? "F" : (-d 
$prevback ? "D":"-")) . "]\n";

                                if (-f $prevback ) {  #File exists in previous 
backup so better set delete attrib
                                        $delflag = 1;                           
                                (-d $prevback) && last;  #Directory exists with 
same name in prev backup so no need to adjust attrib 
                                ( get_attrib($file,"type") == 10) && last; 
#Already marked as deleted
                                shift @ante; # Continue looping at look at 
earlier antecdents...

                # Next, delete and/or adjust delete attrib for current file we 
are looking at..
$DEBUG >1 && print "CURRENT[$num] $file [" . (-f $file ? "F" : (-d $file ? 
"D":"-")) . "][" . ($delflag ? "DELATRIB":"-") ."]\n";
                if (-r $file ) { #If file/dir exists, delete and then remove 
attrib or mark delete attrib
$DEBUG && print"   delete_file_and_attrib($file, $rmdir, $delflag, !$quiet)\n";
                        delete_file_and_attrib($file, $rmdir, $delflag, 
                elsif ($delflag ==1) { #If file doesn't exist, mark removal by 
setting delete attrib if $delflag
$DEBUG && print"   set_delete_attrib($file, !$quiet)\n";
                        set_delete_attrib($file, !$quiet);

                #Finally, delete file/directory from later incremental backups 
(applies to both files & dirs)
                my @post = @Post;
                while (@post) { #Again note if wildcard set for numBackups then 
 @post=() so this is skipped
                                    #and files will be deleted through main loop
                        (my $nextback = $file)  =~ 
$DEBUG >1 && print "POST[$post[0]]  $nextback [" . (-f $nextback ? "F" : (-d 
$nextback ? "D":"-")) . "]\n";
#$DEBUG >1 && print "POST:$post[0]:  $nextback [" . (-r $nextback ? "R":"-") . 
                        if (-r $nextback ) { #Exists in successor branch
                                unless ($force || (-f $file) == -f ($nextback)) 
                   #File subsequently replaced by directory or vica versa - be 
                                        warn "Warning: Not removing '$nextback' 
(and its children) since file type changes\n";
                                else {
$DEBUG && print"   delete_file_and_attrib($nextback, $rmdir, 0, !$quiet)\n";
$rmdir, 0, !$quiet);
                        shift @post; #Continue looping and looking at further 
        shift @branches;
$DEBUG && print "Files/directories deleted: $filesdeleted    Delete attrib 
set(with no file deletion): $attribsdeleted\n";
run_nightly() if ($runnightly && !$dryrun && $filesdeleted);

sub get_attrib
        my ($fullfilename, $attribname) = @_;
        $fullfilename =~ m{(.+)/(.+)};
        my $dir=$1;
        my $file=$2;
        (-f "$dir/attrib" ) || return 0;  #This is not necessarily an error 
because file may be empty
        ($attrib->read($dir, "attrib")) || die "Error: Cannot read attrib file 
for '$dir'\n";

# Routine to delete file and adjust corresponding attribute file
# $fullfilename is full path name to file or directory
# $rmdirflg if 1, allows for removal of directories too
# $delttrib if 1 then changes attrib to deleted file type rather than
#   deleting attribute (only applies to files)
# $listdeletes if 1 then lists deleted files and/or modified attrib entries
sub delete_file_and_attrib
        my ($fullfilename, $rmdirflg, $delattrib, $listdeletes) = @_;
        $fullfilename  =~ m|(.*)/f(.*)|;
        my $isdir = (-d $fullfilename) ? 1 : 0;
        my $dir = $1;
        my $file = $2;
        ($isdir && $rmdirflg ne "1") && die "Error: can't delete directories 
unless rmdirflg set\n";
        ( -w $fullfilename) || die "Error: '$fullfilename' doesn't exist or not 
        ( -w "$dir/attrib") || die "Error: Cannot write to attrib file for 
        ($attrib->read($dir, "attrib")) || die "Error: Cannot read attrib file 
for '$dir'\n";
         (defined ($attrib->get($file))) || die "Error: '$file' not found in 
attrib file\n";

        if (remove($fullfilename, $listdeletes) > 0 ) { # Remove file/directory
                $filesdeleted++;  # Signal that at least one file deleted...
                #Now adjust attrib file entry
                if ($delattrib == 1 && !$isdir) {
                        $attrib->set($file, {  # Set file to deleted type
                                type  => 10,
                                mode  => 0,
                                uid   => 0,
                                gid   => 0,
                                size  => 0,
                                mtime => 0,
$DEBUG >1 && print "Setting type=10 (deleted file) attrib for $fullfilename\n";
                else { # Remove attrib entry for file
$DEBUG >1 && print "Removing attrib entry for: f$file\n";
                $dryrun || ($attrib->write($dir, "attrib")) || die "Error 
writing to attribute file for $dir\n";
                return 0;
        return 1;

sub remove 
        $_ = $_[0];
        my $ret=0;
        if (-f ) {
                ($dryrun ? $ret = 1 : ($ret = unlink));
                ($ret == 1) && $_[1] && print "unlink $_\n";
        elsif (-d ) {
                if($dryrun) {
                        print "deleting directory tree starting at: $_ \n";
                else {
                        $ret = rmtree($_, $_[1], 1);
        return $ret;

sub set_delete_attrib
        my ($fullfilename, $listdeletes) = @_;
        $fullfilename  =~ m|(.*)/f(.*)|;
        my $dir = $1;
        my $file = $2;
        if (-e "$dir/attrib") {
                ( -w "$dir/attrib") || die "Error: Cannot write to attrib file 
for '$dir'\n";
                ($attrib->read($dir, "attrib")) || die "Error: Cannot read 
attrib file for '$dir'\n";
        else { #Possible it doesn't exist if directory is empty (which occurs 
frequently with incrementals)
                $attrib = BackupPC::Attrib->new({ compress => 
$Conf{CompressLevel} });
        $attrib->set($file, {  # Set file to deleted type
                type  => 10,
                mode  => 0,
                uid   => 0,
                gid   => 0,
                size  => 0,
                mtime => 0,
$DEBUG > 3 && print Dumper($attrib->get($file));
        $dryrun || ($attrib->write($dir, "attrib")) || die "Error writing to 
attribute file for $dir\n";
        $attribsdeleted++;  # Signal that attribute type set to deleted
        $listdeletes && print "Setting type=10 (deleted file) attrib for 
        return 0;

sub find_backup_heirarchy
        my ($path, $baknum, $antecedants, $descendants) = @_;
        my %backupInfo;

        $path =~ s|//*|/|g;
        my @baks = `find $path -maxdepth 1  -regex \"$path/[0-9]+\" -printf 
        my @before = my @after = ();
        while (@baks) {
                if ($baks[0] <= $baknum) {
                        push (@before, $baks[0]);
                else {
                        push (@after, $baks[0]);
                shift @baks;
        @before = reverse(sort numerically @before);
        shift(@before); # remove $baknum from beginning;
        @after = sort numerically @after;

        my $oldlevel = my $baklevel = get_baklevel("$path/$baknum");
        while(@before) {
                my $newlevel = get_baklevel("$path/$before[0]");
                if ($newlevel < $oldlevel) {
                        push(@$antecedants, $before[0]);
                        ($newlevel == 0 ) && last;
                        $oldlevel = $newlevel;
                shift @before;

        while(@after) {
                my $newlevel = get_baklevel("$path/$after[0]");
                ($newlevel == $baklevel ) && last;
                if ($newlevel > $baklevel) {
                        push(@$descendants, $after[0]);
                shift @after;

sub numerically {$a <=> $b}

sub get_baklevel {
        our %backupInfo = ();
        my $bakinfo = "$_[0]/backupInfo";

        (-f $bakinfo ) || warn "Can't read $bakinfo\n";

        unless (my $ret = do $bakinfo) {
                warn "couldn't parse $bakinfo: $@" if $@;
                warn "couldn't do $bakinfo: $!" unless defined $ret;
                print "couldn't run $bakinfo" unless $ret;
        if ( !keys(%backupInfo) || !defined($backupInfo{num}) ) {
                warn "$bakinfo is empty\n";
        return $backupInfo{level};

sub run_nightly
        my $err = $bpc->ServerConnect($Conf{ServerHost}, $Conf{ServerPort});
        if ($err) {
                print "Error: BackupPC_nightly: can't connect to server 
        if ((my $reply = $bpc->ServerMesg("BackupPC_nightly run")) == 0) {
                $bpc->ServerMesg("log $0: called for BackupPC_nightly run...");
                return 0;
        else {
                print "Error: BackupPC_nightly ($reply)...\n";
                return $reply;

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