
Re: Out of space problem

2008-05-06 08:09:44
Subject: Re: Out of space problem
From: Toomas Aas <toomas.aas AT raad.tartu DOT ee>
To: Nigel Allen <dna AT DOT au>
Date: Tue, 06 May 2008 08:06:47 +0300
T, 06 mai   2008 kirjutas Nigel Allen <dna AT DOT au>:

I'm experiencing an odd problem with a USB DAT drive that keeps running
out of space. Apologies for the length of the post.

The drive is supposed to be 36 / 72 GB.

Here's the kind of thing I see when I run a level 0 dump.

These dumps were to tape DailySet1-18.
*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [No more writable valid tape found].



Output Size (meg)       33927.1    33927.1        0.0



define tapetype HP-DAT72 {
   comment "HP DAT72 USB with hardware compression on"
   length 72 G


define dumptype custom-compress {
  program "GNUTAR"
  comment "Dump with custom client compression"
  exclude list "/etc/amanda/exclude.gtar"
  compress client custom
  client_custom_compress "/usr/bin/bzip2"

[snip] mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 custom-compress        sda1    custom-compress

Any idea where I can start would be appreciated (apart from "bigger
tape" or "less data").

Start by not believing that your "36/72 GB" tapedrive can actually record 72 GB :)

Continue by turning off hardware compression on the tape drive. As your configuration indicates, you are using software compression. If this compressed data is then sent to the tapedrive, it gets fed through the hardware compression algorithm, but as the input data is already compressed, the resulting "hardware compressed" data is actually larger than the input.

Additionally, you would very likely benefit from splitting your disklist into smaller entries, because your data size is pretty close to what your tape can hold. By using more DLEs, Amanda has a better chance to spread out the work throughout the dumpcycle and not overfilling the tape.

Toomas Aas

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