
Re: Exclude Lists - Amanda 2.5.0

2006-11-16 12:25:38
Subject: Re: Exclude Lists - Amanda 2.5.0
From: Pavel Pragin <ppragin AT zmanda DOT com>
To: Gordon.Mills AT usa DOT net
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 08:28:02 -0800
Please take look at this link for information about  exclude lists:
Pavel Pragin

Could somebody please point me to a good explanation of the exclude lists? I
am trying to create an exclude list for some windows machines that I back
up. Will excludes work on the windows machines (using smbclient backup in
Amanda 2.5.0)?

If they will work, I would like a good explanation of the syntax of the
file, specifically wildcards.

i.e. can I specify /*/somedirectory/file???.chk?
How about file paths with spaces in them. Do I just put them with the spaces
or do I have to use some special syntax for that?

I tried searching the net and the wiki but I did not find the answers. I
found some references to it, but it did not answer the questions above.

Thanks for the help.


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