
Re: IP address change

2006-11-01 10:05:38
Subject: Re: IP address change
From: James Wilson <jwilson AT transolutions DOT net>
To: Olivier Nicole <on AT DOT th>
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 08:52:15 -0600
All the ip's resolve I don't have any ip conflicts they can reach each other. The servers that have amanda client installed backup fine. The amanda server and the other servers are in the same vlan.

Olivier Nicole wrote:
    We just did a big network over haul at my job and every since the 
change amanda does not back up some machines. I looked in the latest log 
file and it states. "Error planner request to 
failed: timeout waiting for ACK".

I'd check for network connectivityproblem, can the client reach the
server, can the server reach the client? Can addresses resolve? Have
you updated the firewall on both machines?


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