
Re: large filesystem timeouts - is there a better way

2006-10-19 19:15:37
Subject: Re: large filesystem timeouts - is there a better way
From: Steven Kurylo <steven.kurylo AT vcom DOT com>
To: Steven McDonald <mcdonald AT triumf DOT ca>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 16:07:53 -0700
>    ERROR: hostname:/partition does not support CALCSIZE for estimate,
> using CLIENT.
>       my two clients are 2.4.3 and 2.4.4p1 are these two clients too
> old to support the calcsize option.
I don't know.  Maybe someone else will have the answer, or maybe there
is a changelog on the website which lists when this feature was added.

> I can not use estimate server since these two filesystem have never
> been backed up by amanda and so the server can not provide an
> estimate, correct.
You can still use server, its just that your first estimate will be
completely wrong.  I can't remember what it uses off hand (zero?), but
it works fine.  I do it all the time when I add a new disk.