
No Level 0 backup possible

2006-06-17 12:06:14
Subject: No Level 0 backup possible
From: Anne Wilson <cannewilson AT DOT uk>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2006 16:57:56 +0100
Scenario -

Backup server:  borg
Two drives - source from hda backed up by amanda to hdb.
Requirement:  /home, less directories /home/anne/Photos 
and /home/anne/recordings.

The two excluded directories run as separate jobs, and cycle correctly.  The 
main /home directory is approx. 24GB long, but after the excludes only about 
6 GB.  /tmp/dumps is an 11GB directory designated as holding disk.  I want to 
save the backups onto vtapes that are suitable size for copying to DVD.

From amanda.conf:

org "xxxx"
mailto "anne@xxxx"

dumpuser "amanda"       # the user to run dumps under

inparallel 8            # maximum dumpers that will run in parallel (max 63)
                        # this maximum can be increased at compile-time,
                        # modifying MAX_DUMPERS in server-src/driverio.h

maxdumps 4              # allowing one per disk make sense to me

taperalgo largestfit    # will help fill tapes if runtapes >1!

netusage  800 Kbps      # maximum net bandwidth for Amanda, in KB per sec

dumpcycle 7             # The number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 7          # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
                        # (4 weeks * 5 amdump runs per week -- just weekdays)

tapecycle 21 tapes      # the number of tapes in rotation
dumporder "SSTT" # specify the priority order of each dumper

bumpsize 10 Mb          # minimum savings (threshold) to bump level 1 -> 2
bumpdays 1              # minimum days at each level
bumpmult 2              # threshold = bumpsize * bumpmult^(level-1)

etimeout 800            # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.

dtimeout 1500           # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.

ctimeout 8              # maximum number of seconds that amcheck waits
                        # for each client host
tapebufs 80

runtapes        10              # number of tapes to be used in a single run of 

tpchanger       "chg-disk"

tapedev         "file:/Backup/amandatapes/Dailys"       # the no-rewind tape 
device to be 

changerdev      "/dev/null"

changerfile     "/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/chg-disk"

tapetype        HARD-DISK
labelstr "^Dailys-[0-9][0-9]*$" # label constraint regex: all tapes must match

#Some boolean variables
autoflush yes 
amrecover_do_fsf yes            # amrecover will call amrestore with the
                                # -f flag for faster positioning of the tape.
amrecover_check_label yes       # amrecover will call amrestore with the
                                # -l flag to check the label.

amrecover_changer "chg-disk"    # amrecover will use the changer if you restore
                                # from this device.

# holdingdisk no

 holdingdisk hd1 {
    comment "main holding disk"
    directory "/tmp/dumps"      # where the holding disk is
    use -500 Mb         # how much space can we use on it
                        # a non-positive value means:
                        #        use all space but that value
    chunksize 500 Mb    # size of chunk if you want big dump to be
                        # dumped on multiple files on holding disks
                        #  N Kb/Mb/Gb split images in chunks of size N
                        #             The maximum value should be
                        #             (MAX_FILE_SIZE - 1Mb)
                        #  0          same as INT_MAX bytes

reserve 20 # percent
displayunit "m"
infofile "/usr/local/var/amanda/Daily/curinfo"  # database DIRECTORY
logdir   "/usr/local/var/amanda/Daily"          # log directory
indexdir "/usr/local/var/amanda/Daily/index"    # index directory
tapelist "/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/tapelist" # list of used tapes

define tapetype HARD-DISK {
        comment "WD 120GB drive hdb6"
        lbl-templ "/usr/local/etc/amanda/Daily/"
        length 4100 mbytes # will burn to DVD

define dumptype global {
    comment "Global definitions"
    index yes
    # record no
    tape_splitsize      400 Mb
#   split_diskbuffer    "/tmp/dumps"
    fallback_splitsize  100m
    maxpromoteday       1

START driver date 20060617
DISK planner borg /home
DISK planner borg /home/anne/Photos
DISK planner borg /Public
START planner date 20060617
STATS driver startup time 0.084
INFO planner borg /home 20060617 0 [dump larger than available tape space, 
4556975 KB, full dump delayed]
FINISH planner date 20060617 time 3.387
START taper datestamp 20060617 label Dailys-6 tape 0
SUCCESS dumper borg /home 20060617 5 [sec 19.738 kb 19057 kps 965.5 orig-kb 
SUCCESS chunker borg /home 20060617 5 [sec 19.696 kb 19057 kps 969.2]
SUCCESS taper borg /home 20060617 5 [sec 0.237 kb 19104 kps 80575.3 {wr: 
writers 597 rdwait 0.000 wrwait 0.147 filemark 0.000}]
SUCCESS dumper borg /home/anne/Photos 20060617 1 [sec 0.386 kb 3700 kps 9577.0 
orig-kb 3700]
SUCCESS chunker borg /home/anne/Photos 20060617 1 [sec 0.389 kb 3700 kps 
SUCCESS taper borg /home/anne/Photos 20060617 1 [sec 0.040 kb 3744 kps 91576.2 
{wr: writers 117 rdwait 0.000 wrwait 0.025 filemark 0.000}]
SUCCESS dumper borg /Public 20060617 1 [sec 0.050 kb 8 kps 157.1 orig-kb 80]
SUCCESS chunker borg /Public 20060617 1 [sec 0.053 kb 8 kps 745.3]
SUCCESS taper borg /Public 20060617 1 [sec 0.008 kb 64 kps 7702.5 {wr: writers 
2 rdwait 0.000 wrwait 0.000 filemark 0.000}]
INFO taper tape Dailys-6 kb 22912 fm 3 [OK]
FINISH driver date 20060617 time 38.231


It looks to me as though it is not attempting to span the vtapes.  Can someone 
please point me at the likely cause?  I did have spanning working at one 
time, so I must have inadvertently changed something vital.


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