
Re: change order of hosts to be backed up

2006-06-01 05:06:58
Subject: Re: change order of hosts to be backed up
From: "Dennis Ortsen" <dortsen AT gmail DOT com>
To: paul.bijnens AT xplanation DOT com
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2006 10:57:51 +0200
On 5/31/06, Paul Bijnens <paul.bijnens AT xplanation DOT com> wrote:
> What I'm interested in, is there any way to specify the exact order in
> the disklist for the DLE's to be backed up? For example: I have hosts
> mars venus and jupiter. In alphabetical order that would be:
> jupiter
> mars
> venus
> Now, what if I wasn't able to use a holding disk for parallel dumping
> (which means all DLE's are dumped sequentially) and I wanted host
> venus to be backed up first. Is there any way I can achieve this?
> Using a holding disk is an option offcourse, but what if I should be
> able to manage without a holding disk if I could only change the order
> the hosts are backed up. What can I do to achieve that?

There is "dumporder", which can order dumps by of size, time, or
bandwith, but not alfabetically.

And there is the dumptype option "starttime" where you can
delay the starttime of some DLE's/hosts.

It would help if you specified why you would like a specific order.

Are you trying to accomplish something like: ?

Yeah, something similar. My reason is not the inefficient usage of a
tape (i'm using the virtual tape setup). I only want to achieve this,
so I can be sure that the largest dump is finished first. In other
words, when *production*  starts in the morning the backup on that
specific DLE (venus) has been done (roughly 120 GB in that directory
alone) and the gzip/tar processes won't be active anymore. As some
people might say that it could slow down production time. I start the
dump on 9:00 PM, the estimate for this host (venus) is finished at
around 9:35 PM. But there is another DLE (mars) that roughly has 80 GB
in a similar directory. That host (mars) is finished a little later
with the estimate (around 21:40) but it still gets dumped before the
*largest* DLE (venus)

I have added:

dumporder "SSSS"
taperalgo largest

to the amanda.conf file (using 4 dumpers as a maximum).

Should I specify the following dumporder? "Ssss"? I have 30 DLE's in
this backup config.

Thanks in advance,


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