
Re: how to split partitions

2006-03-31 09:00:39
Subject: Re: how to split partitions
From: Paul Bijnens <paul.bijnens AT xplanation DOT com>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 15:56:57 +0200
On 2006-03-31 14:35, Matt Hyclak wrote:
On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 01:26:31PM +0200, listrcv enlightened us:
Thanks, that looks better now :) One thing I think that is missing is an explanation of the difference between:

  include append

  exclude append

I would guess that 'append' tells amanda something like 'you should append this to the previous dumps of that mountpoint rather than considering it seperate', but I don't know. Also, the self-consistency is dubious since amanda seems to consider /home/wanda as a part of /home --- or maybe not. It would be nice if someone could shed a light on the logic behind that.

It merely means "append this to the previous {in,ex}clude I just gave you".
Makes for easier reading. If you did:

  include ./foo
  include ./bar

your include list would be "./bar" (second include overrides the first)

If you did:

  include ./foo
  include append ./bar

your include list would be "./foo ./bar" (second include is appended to the

To be exact, the last pair of "include" stmts would be equivalent to:

   include "./foo" "./bar"

Note the quotes around EACH argument.

But there is currently a bug that a space inside an exclude or include argument is not escaped when passing those strings to the client.
So the last paragraph on that wiki page about "argument mismach" is
not about not being able to put many args on one include, but having
a space in one arg.
  include   "./My Documents"
would fail too.  And:

  include "./foo ./bar"

is actually looking for a directory named:  "bar" inside the
directory "foo ." (with a trailing space and dot), at leastwhen that
bug would be fixed.

  AAPW       --  ( All applicable patches welcome  :-)  )

Paul Bijnens, xplanation Technology Services        Tel  +32 16 397.511
Technologielaan 21 bus 2, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUM    Fax  +32 16 397.512          email:  Paul.Bijnens AT xplanation DOT com
* I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, ^^, *
* F6, quit, ZZ, :q, :q!, M-Z, ^X^C, logoff, logout, close, bye, /bye, *
* stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
* PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
* init 0, kill -9 1, Alt-F4, Ctrl-Alt-Del, AltGr-NumLock, Stop-A, ... *
* ...  "Are you sure?"  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out          *

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