
Re: Solaris 10 and amanda

2006-02-22 18:03:00
Subject: Re: Solaris 10 and amanda
From: Ali Moeinvaziri <ali AT seis.utah DOT edu>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 15:57:16 -0700 (MST)
Many thanks to those who replied, specially to David L S.
Now I can run amanda client on a solaris 10. Here is a 
short list of things I had to do to make it work (I hope 
it helps others too):

- modify the file /etc/service to add the following line:
        amanda          10080/udp

- create a file (for example: place it in /tmp/amanda) with the 
  entry you had in your inetd.conf:
        amanda  dgram  udp  wait  your_amanda_user_name full_path_to_amandad  

- conver inetd.conf(4) entry to service of solaris 10, by running inetconv:
        inetconv -f -i /tmp/amanda 

- check if the service is online:
        svcs -v | grep amanda

        (output should be)

        online   -    15:27:33  - svc:/network/amanda/udp:default

- If it's not online or other problems, you can use svcadm to
  restart (enable or refresh) the service. For example:

        svcadm -v [enable|restart|refresh] /network/amanda/udp:default
- make sure amandad is listening:
        netstat -a | grep amanda

        (output should be like)

         *.amanda            Idle

Good luck,

> From owner-amanda-users AT amanda DOT org  Wed Feb 22 11:45:04 2006
> To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
> Subject: Solaris 10 and amanda
> I just wonder if anybody has been able to successfully configure
> a solaris 10 client to work with amanda. 
> I have problems connecting to the client through amanda. The 
> amanda inetd.conf entry is converted to solaris 10 service, 
> by using inetdconv utility. The service is enabled and on-line.
> Yet, when I do 'amcheck -c', the client times out.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> -AM

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