
Re: R: Problem with 2 tapes backup

2005-12-22 05:58:27
Subject: Re: R: Problem with 2 tapes backup
From: Alexander Jolk <alexj AT buf DOT com>
To: "Montagni, Giovanni" <gmontagni AT manord DOT com>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 11:50:13 +0100
Montagni, Giovanni wrote:
I load not exactly the tape that amanda ask in email report, but another 
overwritable tape (and i'm sure that's overwritable because amanda at the end 
of amcheck claim that tape is ok and backup is done).
This is not a problem. O no?

This explains what you see. amanda asks for one specific tape and will accept that particular tape when she sees it in the changer. If that tape is not found in the changer, she takes the first one she encountered that was acceptable.

Just give her the tape she asks for, and everything works fine.

I'm guessing something about your wanting to impose a humanly-reasonable tape ordering, but amanda really doesn't like that; there are possibilities but you'd need to explain what you are trying to do in a bit more detail.


Alexander Jolk         /         BUF Compagnie
tel +33-1 42 68 18 28 /  fax +33-1 42 68 18 29

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