
amcheck and fqdn names

2005-06-17 22:55:07
Subject: amcheck and fqdn names
From: "Jerome Pioux" <Jerome.Pioux AT bull DOT com>
To: <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 19:39:44 -0700
I am running Amanda 2.4.5 on FC3 (server and client).
I have a problem with amcheck and FQDN names.
I cannot get amcheck to successfuly check my config if I don't explicitely use the FQDN name of the host to "amcheck".
I have rebuilded the product with --with-fqdn but no change. I have tried to put the fqdn name in my disklist but no change either.
I am down to a basic config (1 server and 1 client running on same system) to demonstrate the problem.
Here is <hostname> info on my system:
 [reddog] (amanda) linux> hostname
 [reddog] (amanda) linux> dnsdomainname
 [reddog] (amanda) linux> hostname --fqdn
Here is my disklist:
 [reddog] (amanda) linux> cat ~amanda/etc/linux/disklist
 reddog  hda1 comp
Here is the problem:
[reddog] (amanda) linux> amcheck -c linux
 Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
 WARNING: reddog: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
 Client check: 1 host checked in 29.996 seconds, 1 problem found
 [reddog] (amanda) linux> amcheck -c linux reddog
 Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
 WARNING: reddog: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
 Client check: 1 host checked in 29.997 seconds, 1 problem found
 [reddog] (amanda) linux> amcheck -c linux
 Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
 Client check: 0 hosts checked in 0.001 seconds, 0 problems found
I have another config on the same server that backups AIX systems that works fine w/o specifying fqdn names?
So I don't know what I have this problem against Linux systems?
Can someone help me please?
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