
what the hail does this mean?

2005-03-31 20:16:39
Subject: what the hail does this mean?
From: Glenn English <ghe AT slsware DOT com>
To: amanda-users <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 18:09:54 -0700
From 'amcheck sls':

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
ERROR: server.slsware.dmz: [addr hostname lookup failed]
ERROR: log.slsware.dmz: [addr hostname lookup failed]
Client check: 5 hosts checked in 10.049 seconds, 2 problems found

If the lookups failed, where did the IPs come from? They are indeed
wrong, but the 192.168.20 part is right. There is nothing at 237. It's
in the middle of a DHCP pool the PIX firewall uses when the lan wants to
talk to the dmz.

host server.slsware.dmz gives
host log.slsware.dmz gives 

Both are right. The IPs are right in /etc/hosts, too. I ssh to them all
the time. And the DNS server is on the same network as the amanda
server. The 3 hosts that did not have problems are also on the lan. It's
gotta be a pix problem, but I don't understand how amanda could be
coming up with that IP. Where does amanda go to do its DNS?

Glenn English
ghe AT slsware DOT com

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