
tar and --numeric-owner

2005-01-20 15:15:03
Subject: tar and --numeric-owner
From: Iulian Topliceanu <iulian.topliceanu AT net-m DOT de>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 21:00:35 +0100

How do I use the --numeric-owner flag which makes tar not lookup uid/gid numbers with amanda?

What does amanda use while estimating a volume? I have /var/spool/mail 55 GB big (EXT3) with 1944656 inodes used and it lasts an eternity for amanda to do the volume estimation. How can I speed it up? Not only the estimation, the dump process too.

This server has to be backuped and it's mapped on LDAP. I'm trying to avoid a huge amount of LDAP queries (which I guess slow amanda down)

Iulian Topliceanu

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