
Re: backing up to external hard drive

2005-01-10 04:03:58
Subject: Re: backing up to external hard drive
From: Toomas Aas <toomas.aas AT raad.tartu DOT ee>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 10:52:11 +0200
Sigfried and Roy wrote:

i've been successfully backing up our data to a hard drive for over a
year but i need to upgrade the harddrive to a large size and was
thinking i might purchase a couple of external firwire drives, my
thinking being i could copy the config and logs over to the hard drives
and then keep one of them off site for security.

im just wondering if anyone has a setup similar,  or any suggestions
warnings, before i go ahead.

I've been doing this for approximately a year now and it works great. I have two Maxtor 5000DV FireWire drives, each holding 5 vtapes.

The only thing I had to do was invent a script for mounting the /backup partition from correct external drive, because if I plug in the first drive to my FreeBSD server it is recognized as /dev/da0 and if I then remove it and plug in the second drive it is recognized as /dev/da1. If the system tries to mount the /backup partition from the drive that is no longer present, then I'm screwed. The entire process just hangs indefinitely. Fortunately my script seems to do a good job in avoiding this.

Toomas Aas --------------------------------------------------------
|arvutivõrgu peaspetsialist | head specialist on computer networks|
|Tartu Linnakantselei       | Tartu City Office                   |
----------------------------------------------------- +372 736 1274

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