
Re: Amanda's dumper going amok

2004-11-13 18:42:43
Subject: Re: Amanda's dumper going amok
From: "Flynn" <tech AT vtech DOT fr>
To: <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 10:25:09 +0100
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Paul Bijnens" <paul.bijnens AT xplanation DOT com>
> Good question. Never seen such behaviour before.
> In ~amanda/CONFIG/ there is a file named "amdump.1".
> Maybe that contains some information.
> Can you find out which DLE that dumper is dumping?   (the above file
> can help maybe.)
> Also notice that the last stable version is 2.4.4p4, while you're
> running 2.4.3-something.  Maybe upgrade?

Hello again.

It did it again this night, but my little perl proggy did catch the event
and killed it.
Here is the very last lines of the file amdump.1 :

    driver: hdisk-state time 25590.732 hdisk 0: free 2048000 dumpers 0
    driver: QUITTING time 25590.733 telling children to quit
    driver: send-cmd time 25590.733 ignored to down dumper dumper0: QUIT
    driver: send-cmd time 25590.733 to dumper1: QUIT
    driver: send-cmd time 25590.733 to dumper2: QUIT
    driver: send-cmd time 25590.733 to dumper3: QUIT
    driver: send-cmd time 25590.733 to taper: QUIT
    taper: DONE [idle wait: 7805.047 secs]
    taper: writing end marker. [DMP014 OK kb 3392160 fm 1]
    driver: dumper0 exited with signal 15
    driver: FINISHED time 25591.483
    amdump: end at Wed Nov 10 10:06:32 CET 2004
    <end of file>

I guess the signal 15 appears when dumper0 has been detected as a
but at this point, all operations are finished, aren't they ?
What means "ignored to down dumper dumper0" ?

May be this ring somebody's bell ?

ps: at any rate, my problem is fixed - it's dirty, but it doesn't crash the
anymore, and the backups seem all right, which is the purpose of it, so
my questions above are just academic :)


Jean Flinois <tech AT vtech DOT fr>
V-Technologies, Savennières

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