
[no subject]

2003-11-06 22:00:35
From: "jeffrey wong" <wjeff AT ifrance DOT com>
To: <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 02:55:48 GMT
Sorry, I wasn't clear enough.
I would say that I have a server on Linux with amanda 2.4.4p1 and two
clients with amanda 2.4.3b4, and I share the same executables between
the clients only.

On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 05:11:12PM +0000, jeffrey wong wrote:
> Client version : 2.4.3b4
> Server version : 2.4.4p1
> I have mounted /usr/local directory on another AIX 4.3.3 machine via
> NFS, so the two machines use the same exe, and on the last one,
> works.

I must be dense today.  This is unrealted to your problem, but

If the client and server are both using the same executables
from the nfs mounted /usr/local directory, how can they be
running different versions?

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