
Re: building 2.4.4p1 under Solaris 9 with native-built gcc-3.3 (fwd)

2003-07-30 22:16:09
Subject: Re: building 2.4.4p1 under Solaris 9 with native-built gcc-3.3 (fwd)
From: Ean Kingston <ean AT hedron DOT org>
To: cdewick AT sunshack DOT org
Date: 30 Jul 2003 22:10:08 -0400
On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 17:45, Craig Dewick wrote:
> Further to this issue,
> I have now tried, for the sake of experimentation (after a few people have
> contacted me privately suggesting it), setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I set it
> just to have /usr/local/lib in the variable.
As I understand things. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable is used at run time
as an additional search path for loadable modules (.so files). If you
have it set while compiling, it will search that path for loadable
modules but will not include it in the compiled in path to search for
them. Using the -R (or -L) flag with the compiler adds the path to the
search list built into the binary at build time.

Also, have a look at the crle command. It lets you change the default
search path for shared libraries at a system level (instead of having to
always set LD_LIBRARY_PATH).

Ean Kingston <ean AT hedron DOT org>

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