
tar backups failing

2002-11-24 19:18:03
Subject: tar backups failing
From: Charles Sprickman <spork AT fasttrackmonkey DOT com>
To: "amanda-users AT amanda DOT org" <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 18:40:16 -0500 (EST)

I recently installed 2.4.3 on FreeBSD, and I'm seeing that all the tar
archives are failing because a particular directory is not created.

The structure on the client appears to be:

toolbox[/tmp/amanda]#  ls -al /usr/local/var/amanda/
total 6
drwx--x--x  3 operator  wheel  512 Nov 24 18:33 .
drwxr-xr-x  5 root      wheel  512 Nov 24 18:32 ..

Amanda is running as "operator" the "_" directory is for a dump of "/",
the "_usr_local_etc_" directory is a tar backup of /usr/local/etc.  If I
do not manually create the "_usr_local_etc" directory, I find the
following in /tmp/amanda/sendsize*log:

sendsize[11554]: time 4.299: getting size via gnutar for /usr/local/etc/
level 0
sendsize[11554]: opening /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/host1.int_usr_local_ No such file or directory

Any ideas?  If I manually create the directory, it's fine, but I'm
wondering if in subsequent runs it will want to create another directory
there and fail.  Bug?  Misconfiguration?



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