
Re: tape filling algorithm? (flush, or dump)

2002-11-21 20:04:37
Subject: Re: tape filling algorithm? (flush, or dump)
From: Deb Baddorf <baddorf AT fnal DOT gov>
To: Gene Heskett <gene_heskett AT iolinc DOT net>, Jean-Louis Martineau <martinea AT iro.umontreal DOT ca>, Deb Baddorf <baddorf AT fnal DOT gov>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 18:29:17 -0600

>>>On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 01:47:50PM -0600, Deb Baddorf wrote:
>>>> What kind of optimiaztion does amanda use while flushing
>>>> dumps to tape?
>>>There is no optimazation, first in, first out.
>>>That's a need feature.

Here's a basic algorithm  (in pseudo-code).
Is this useful to somebody who is already working on this code?
Or should I attempt to fit it into the actual   taper  code myself?

Deb Baddorf

This *should*  handle both the FLUSH case  (all data is available from
the start)   and the on-going AMDUMP case  (data is added as we go).
I may notice more errors but I think I got them all.

To "grok"  the basic algorithm  (ridiculously simple)   ignore
or white out the  "SPIN"  paragraphs which wait for more data to

stuff = collection of items to be put into knapsack.
       Dumpfiles in this case (includes tarfiles too)
Stuff is probably a doubly(?) linked list.  Operations required:
status = insert(item)
status = remove(ptr)  or maybe remove(item)
ptr = get_largest()
#boolean = is_empty()
boolean = has_data()     #opposite sense to   is_empty()
boolean = more_coming() #somebody elsewhere needs to tell us when no more dumps are coming down the pipe

number = size(item)
ptr = get_next_smaller()    # return item next smaller than self
(maybe should be a function of the COLLECTION instead of the item, for project OO code)
next_ptr     #if you use a doubly linked list
prev_ptr     #if you use a doubly linked list
string = get_name(item) ?? for the index, or some such. Maybe for error message when dump won't fit.

knapsack    #(or,  tape!)
number = size_remaining()
status = add(item) # responsible to DELETE from holding disk after successful & from COLLECTION above make_full() # decree it "full" when no available items can fit in the remaining space
boolean = has_space()    # is not yet full

bunch-o-knapsacks   #(or,  how many tapes are available?)
ptr = gimme_one()
boolean = is_more()

PACK_ALL_STUFF   #i.e.  start taping
mystuff = new stuff() # filled somewhere else, or here, but before algorithm below
allsacks = new bunch-o-knapsacks()  #number comes from   RUNTAPES parameter

    yada yada yada
    maybe twiddle thumbs till significant data arrives, if holding disk allows

while ( allsacks.is_more()       # stop when we run out of sacks (tapes)
        or  (not mystuff.has_data()     # or when we run out of data
and not mystuff.more_coming() ) ) # and know that no more is coming
   this_sack = allsacks.gimme_one()

   while ( not mystuff.has_data()  )   #wait for some data to arrive
          check "more coming" in case a client dies

while ( mystuff.has_data() and #there is still data waiting to be taped
           this_sack.has_space() )             #the sack (tape) has room left
#remember, in "timed" version, a bigger one may be added during any pass #so, we start with biggest each time and add the first that will fit
      fill_sack (this_sack, mystuff.get_largest())

      while ( not mystuff.has_data()  )   #wait for some more data to arrive
          check "more coming" in case a client dies
fill_sack(sackptr, item_ptr)
   if (item_ptr is NULL)         #there are no more smaller items
sackptr.make_full() #decree sack (tape) to be full, so we can move on to another

isize=item_ptr.size(); ssize=sackptr.size_remaining(); #store for possible error msg #or assign to variable IN the if statement, but too messy to do in psuedo-code here!

if ( item_ptr.size() <= sackptr.size_remaining() ) #if item fits, according to sack specs,
     {                                                  #  put it in the sack
status = sackptr.add(item_ptr) # add MUST delete from holding disk, if it finishes successfully # add MUST also adjust sack's size_remaining value # it writes the INDEX, and does other bookkeeping too # Also removes ITEM from "stuff" list of available dumps to flush

if ( not status) # failed -- tape size must've been slightly wrong. That's life.
sackptr.make_full() # we've already written to EOT so can't try another size item
            write message "Sack(tape) wasn't as big as " isize + ssize.
            write message "May want to correct sack specs  (tapesize)"

   else     #find next smaller item and try that one
        fill_sack (sackptr, item_ptr.get_next_smaller())


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