#### # firstslot=2 #### 1st tape slot # lastslot=15 #### Last tape slot # cleanslot=1 #### Slot with cleaner tape # firstslot=1 lastslot=10 # # Cleaning tapes in 31-37 # cleanslot=31 # # Do you want to clean the drive after a certain number of accesses? # # NOTE - This is unreliable, since 'accesses' aren't 'uses', and we # # have no reliable way to count this. A single amcheck could # # generate as many accesses as slots you have, plus 1. # # ALSO NOTE - many modern tape loaders handle this automatically. # AUTOCLEAN=0 #### Set to '1' or greater to enable # # autocleancount=99 #### Number of access before a clean. # havereader=1 #### If you have a barcode reader, set to 1. # offlinestatus=0 #### Set to 0 if 'mt status' gives an # #### "offline" when drive is offline. # #### Set to 1 or greater if 'mt status' # #### doesn't give and offline, rather an # #### "ONLINE" when drive is online. # OFFLINE_BEFORE_UNLOAD=0 #### Does your tape driver require a # #### 'mt offline' before mtx unload? ####