[ADSM-L] Script help

2017-07-18 04:10:39
Subject: [ADSM-L] Script help
From: "rouzen AT DOT il" <rouzen AT UNIV.HAIFA.AC DOT IL>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 08:06:20 +0000
Hi to all

Need a little help with this script below , need to get the summary amount 
backup  result for the node .

Now I got a lot of entries from this script as:

Protect: POSTBACK>run q_obj_0 IHPPROD_ORA

Nodename              Date (D/M/Y)      Begin time        End time          
Elapsed time in Minutes      Num Obj         Num Obj Failed      Bytes
-----------------     -------------     -------------     -------------     
------------------------     -----------     ---------------     -------
IHPPROD_ORA           2017-07-18        10.00.20          10.04.21          4   
                         1               0                   5 Gb
IHPPROD_ORA           2017-07-18        10.00.23          10.05.14          4   
                         1               0                   6 Gb
IHPPROD_ORA           2017-07-18        10.05.23          10.06.22          0   
                         1               0                   822 Mb
IHPPROD_ORA           2017-07-18        10.00.22          10.07.00          6   
                         1               0                   10 Gb
IHPPROD_ORA           2017-07-18        10.07.06          10.08.59          1   
                         1               0                   3 Gb
IHPPROD_ORA           2017-07-18        10.06.29          10.09.26          2   
                         1               0                   4 Gb
IHPPROD_ORA           2017-07-18        10.00.19          10.11.17          10  
                         1               0                   17 Gb
IHPPROD_ORA           2017-07-18        10.04.29          10.11.23          6   
                         1               0                   9 Gb
IHPPROD_ORA           2017-07-18        10.09.10          10.12.01          2   
                         1               0                   4 Gb
IHPPROD_ORA           2017-07-18        10.09.36          10.12.33          2   
                         1               0                   4 Gb
IHPPROD_ORA           2017-07-18        10.11.21          10.13.47          2   
                         1               0                   4 Gb

Want to get:

Nodename              Date (D/M/Y)      Begin time        End time          
Elapsed time in Minutes      Num Obj         Num Obj Failed      Bytes
-----------------     -------------                -------------        
-------------     ------------------------                -----------         
---------------             -------
IHPPROD_ORA           2017-07-18        10.00.20          10.13.47              
39                                                 11                           
0                                   66.8 Gb

The script is:

set sqlmathmode round
set sqldatetimeformat eur
select cast(entity as varchar(16)) as "Nodename", -
    cast(date(start_time) as varchar(12)) as "Date (D/M/Y)", -
    cast(time(start_time) as varchar(12)) as "Begin time", -
    cast(time(end_time) as varchar(12)) as "End time", -
    cast(timestampdiff(4,char(end_time-start_time)) as varchar(16)) as "Elapsed 
time in Minutes" , -
    cast(sum(affected) as varchar(10))  as "Num Obj", -
    cast(sum(failed) as varchar(10))  as "Num Obj Failed", -
  case -
    when sum(bytes)>1073741824 then cast(sum(bytes)/1073741824 as varchar(10)) 
|| ' Gb' -
    when sum(bytes)>1048576 then cast(sum(bytes)/1048576 as varchar(10)) || ' 
Mb' -
    when sum(bytes)>1024 then cast(sum(bytes)/1024 as varchar(10)) || ' Kb' -
    else cast(sum(bytes) as varchar(10)) -
end as "Bytes" -
  from summary -
  where (activity='BACKUP' or activity='ARCHIVE') and -
     start_time>=timestamp(current_date,'07:00:00') and -
     start_time<=timestamp(current_date,'23:59:00') and -
     successful='YES' -
     and entity like upper('%%$1%%') -
   group by entity,start_time,end_time

T.I.A Best Regards


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