------ qdr script --------------- ------ save to a file, run the file as a macro in the library manager server --------- del scr qdr commit def scr qdr desc='Quick display of drives' upd scr qdr 'set sqldisplaymode w' upd scr qdr 'select left(dr.drive_name, 10) as Drive, left(dr.online, 7) as "Online?", -' upd scr qdr ' dr.element, left(drive_serial, 13) as "Serial number", -' upd scr qdr ' left(p.device, 16) as device, left(dr.drive_state, 10) as Status, left(dr.volume_name, 6) as Volume, -' upd scr qdr ' left(dr.allocated_to, 32) as User -' upd scr qdr ' from drives dr, paths p where drive_name = p.destination_name and p.source_name = ''LIBRARY_MANAGER''' upd scr qdr 'select ''Path from server ''||left(source_name, 28)||'' to drive ''||left(destination_name, 20)||'' is not online'' as "Paths offline " from paths -' upd scr qdr ' where online <> ''YES'' order by 1' upd scr QDR 'label: tsm1:run tapes' ------- tapes script ------------ ------ save to a file, run the file as a macro in the client servers --------- del scr tapes def scr TAPES 'Show tapes used by sessions and processes' upd scr TAPES '/* -----------------------------------------*/' line=1 upd scr TAPES '/* Script Name: TAPES */' line=5 upd scr TAPES '/* Description: Display ses & proc tapes */' line=10 upd scr TAPES '/* Parameter: none */' line=15 upd scr TAPES '/* Example: run tapes */' line=20 upd scr TAPES '/* -----------------------------------------*/' line=25 upd scr TAPES 'set sqldisplaymode w' line=30 upd scr TAPES 'commit' line=35 upd scr TAPES 'select cast(process as char(28)) as "process", -' line=40 upd scr TAPES 'cast(substr(status,posstr(status,''put vol'')-11,length(status)) as char(82)) as "Tape in use" -' line=45 upd scr TAPES ' from processes -' line=50 upd scr TAPES ' where status like ''%put vol%''' line=55 upd scr TAPES 'commit' line=60 upd scr TAPES 'set sqldisplaymode w' line=65 upd scr TAPES 'commit' line=70 upd scr TAPES 'select cast(session_id as char(7)) as "Session", -' line=75 upd scr TAPES ' cast(left(client_name, 10) as char(10)) as "Client", -' line=80 upd scr TAPES ' cast(input_vol_access as char(24)) as "In Vol", -' line=85 upd scr TAPES ' cast(output_vol_access as char(24))as "Out Vol", -' line=90 upd scr TAPES ' cast(state as char(10)) as "State", -' line=95 upd scr TAPES ' cast(bytes_sent as decimal(13,0)) "Bytes sent",-' line=100 upd scr TAPES ' cast(bytes_received as decimal(13,0)) "Bytes rcvd" -' line=105 upd scr TAPES ' from sessions where -' line=110 upd scr TAPES ' input_vol_access is not null or output_vol_access is not null' line=115 ------ sample output ------------ tsm: LIBRARY_MANAGER>run qdr Session established with server LIBRARY_MANAGER: Solaris 8/9 Server Version 5, Release 3, Level 3.3 Server date/time: 02/12/2009 13:41:40 Last access: 02/12/2009 12:23:54 DRIVE Online? ELEMENT Serial number DEVICE STATUS VOLUME USER ---------- ------- ------- ------------- ---------------- ---------- ------ -------------------------------- DRIVE00 YES 500 MXP6K01ARL /dev/rmt/3mt EMPTY DRIVE01 YES 501 MXP8J04DDM /dev/rmt/7mt EMPTY DRIVE02 YES 502 HUL2L00510 /dev/rmt/4mt LOADED 002775 TSM_SERVER_FOR_DESKTOPS DRIVE03 YES 503 MXP6K01S8B /dev/rmt/8mt EMPTY DRIVE04 YES 504 MXP081372B /dev/rmt/15mt LOADED 301259 TSM_SERVER_2_FOR_DESKTOPS DRIVE05 YES 505 MXP07455EV /dev/rmt/12mt LOADED 301326 TSM_SERVER_2_FOR_DESKTOPS DRIVE06 YES 506 HU106103GV /dev/rmt/13mt LOADED 300237 TSM_SERVER_FOR_DESKTOPS DRIVE07 YES 507 HU10847L10 /dev/rmt/14mt LOADED 300380 TSM_SERVER_2_FOR_DESKTOPS Paths offline ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Path from server TEST_5400 to drive DRIVE00 is not online ANR1699I Resolved TSM1 to 4 server(s) - issuing command RUN tapes against server(s). ANR1687I Output for command 'RUN tapes ' issued against server LIBRARY_MANAGER follows: ANR2034E SELECT: No match found using this criteria. ANR2034E SELECT: No match found using this criteria. ANR1462I RUN: Command script TAPES completed successfully. ANR1688I Output for command 'RUN tapes ' issued against server LIBRARY_MANAGER completed. ANR1687I Output for command 'RUN tapes ' issued against server TSM_SERVER_FOR_SERVERS follows: ANR2034E SELECT: No match found using this criteria. ANR2034E SELECT: No match found using this criteria. ANR1462I RUN: Command script TAPES completed successfully. ANR1688I Output for command 'RUN tapes ' issued against server TSM_SERVER_FOR_SERVERS completed. ANR1687I Output for command 'RUN tapes ' issued against server TSM_SERVER_2_FOR_DESKTOPS follows: process Tape in use ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Migration Current output volume: 301326. Session Client In Vol Out Vol State Bytes sent Bytes rcvd ------- ---------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ---------- --------------- --------------- 11669 GEM1376 ,301259,1412 Run 14240749043 292932 11751 PANDADEV ,300380,5480 RecvW 964 5050086218 ANR1462I RUN: Command script TAPES completed successfully. ANR1688I Output for command 'RUN tapes ' issued against server TSM_SERVER_2_FOR_DESKTOPS completed. ANR1687I Output for command 'RUN tapes ' issued against server TSM_SERVER_FOR_DESKTOPS follows: process Tape in use ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backup Storage Pool Current output volume: 002775. Database Backup Current output volume: LM2.DBB.234463626.\~ ANR2034E SELECT: No match found using this criteria. ANR1462I RUN: Command script TAPES completed successfully. ANR1688I Output for command 'RUN tapes ' issued against server TSM_SERVER_FOR_DESKTOPS completed. ANR1694I Server LIBRARY_MANAGER processed command 'RUN tapes ' and completed successfully. ANR1694I Server TSM_SERVER_2_FOR_DESKTOPS processed command 'RUN tapes ' and completed successfully. ANR1694I Server TSM_SERVER_FOR_DESKTOPS processed command 'RUN tapes ' and completed successfully. ANR1694I Server TSM_SERVER_FOR_SERVERS processed command 'RUN tapes ' and completed successfully. ANR1697I Command 'RUN tapes ' processed by 4 server(s): 4 successful, 0 with warnings, and 0 with errors. ANR1462I RUN: Command script QDR completed successfully.