Re: [ADSM-L] Backing up files with ilegal characters
2007-08-16 09:15:21
the Linux client is as far as I know not UNICODE enabled.
I had the same problem with the de_DE locale.
I just used this LOCALE settings (TSM 5.3 client):
export LANG=de_DE
export LC_CTYPE=de_DE
Ing. Fernando Villarreal - Silice S.A. wrote:
> Hi, I'm working with TSM version 5.2 and my linux clients report this
> kind of errors
> ANE4042E (Session: 17393, Node: SRVDESARROLLO) Object name
> '/opt/Projects/Intranet/WebUI/pngs/Sin título-2.png' contains one or
> more unrecognized
> characters and is not valid. (SESSION: 17393)
> ANE4042E (Session: 17393, Node: SRVDESARROLLO) Object name
> '/opt/Projects/Intranet/WebUI/pngs/ban_galería.png' contains one or
> more unrecognized
> characters and is not valid. (SESSION: 17393)
> We have a lot of files with spanish characters on the file name and we
> cannot change
> their names. I was googling for a while and there's no clue about how
> to solve this.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks you.
> Fernando Villarreal
Rainer Tammer