Re: Space Reclamation Eating Tapes

2005-11-28 12:14:52
Subject: Re: Space Reclamation Eating Tapes
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 12:14:29 -0500
On Nov 28, 2005, at 11:42 AM, Sung Y Lee wrote:

It has been my experience that, if  primary tape pool maxscratch
value is
set greater than tapes used when reclamation kicks off, it mounts a
new scratch tapes. ...

I've never seen that behavior - that would result in a large number
of tapes in Filling state, and that does not happen. TSM requests a
fresh tape when the would-be candidate filling tape is in an unusable
state (as from previous tape errors) or that volume is in use
(current output volume or being dismounted). If a TSM instance was
always calling for new volumes, that would constitute a violation of
its design, and should be reported as a defect.

In any case, this thread is largely proceeding without substantive
information. We need to see the results of analyses which examined
tape states, Activity Log, and volume contents.

   Richard Sims

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