Re: Equivalent of UNIX "tail/head" in TSM SQL query

2004-10-13 07:10:14
Subject: Re: Equivalent of UNIX "tail/head" in TSM SQL query
From: "Stapleton, Mark" <mark.stapleton AT BERBEE DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 06:10:04 -0500
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU] On 
Behalf Of Hans Christian Riksheim
>I am trying to make some useful reports by queryring the TSM 
>database, but I can not find out how to fetch the first N rows 
>in that query. In the DB2-manuals I find the "fetch" command, 
>but it does not seem to work here. Also tried googling and 
>searching the archives here.
>Example where I only want the first 20 results:
>select filespaces.node_name as "NODE", 
>filespaces.filespace_name as "FILESYSTEM_NAME", 
>substr(char(filespaces.backup_end), 1, 10) as "LAST_BACKUP" 
>from filespaces order by 3 asc fetch first 20 rows only

Install Perl on your (I assume) Windows machine and imbed your select
statement within a Perl script that does what you want.

Welcome to an operating system that doesn't come with anything
resembling a decent scripting language.

Mark Stapleton (stapleton AT berbee DOT com)
Berbee Information Networks
Office 262.521.5627