windows client question

2004-09-23 10:00:55
Subject: windows client question
From: Aaron Durkee <adurkee AT CHSBUFFALO DOT ORG>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 10:00:41 -0400
Couple of questions about the tsm windows clients, have serveral nodes leaving 
what is pasted below in the server logs.  Don't have access to all the win 
servers, so not sure of the client level.  Wondering what can be done to clear 
these errors and if the windows client in a tsm envirnoment redbook is still a 
good resource for the 5.x windows clients.
Greatfull for any input.

TSM server on aix 5.1 ...

09/14/04 02:40:22 ther processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: 
CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:22 
app01c$WINNTsystem32Perflib_Perfdata_4e8.dat': the object is in use by ano
09/14/04 02:40:22 ther processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: 
CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:22 
app01c$WINNTsystem32Perflib_Perfdata_578.dat': the object is in use by ano
09/14/04 02:40:22 ther processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: 
CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:22 
app01c$WINNTsystem32Perflib_Perfdata_698.dat': the object is in use by ano
09/14/04 02:40:23 ther processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: 
CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:23 
app01c$WINNTsystem32configdefault': the object is in use by another proce
09/14/04 02:40:23 ssANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) 
Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:23 app01c$WINNTsystem32configdefault.LOG': the 
object is in use by another p
09/14/04 02:40:35 rocessANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) 
Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:35 app01c$WINNTsystem32configSAM': the object 
is in use by another processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: 
CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:35 
app01c$WINNTsystem32configSAM.LOG': the object is in use by another proce
09/14/04 02:40:35 ssANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) 
Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:35 app01c$WINNTsystem32configSECURITY': the 
object is in use by another proc
09/14/04 02:40:35 essANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) 
Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:35 app01c$WINNTsystem32configSECURITY.LOG': 
the object is in use by another
09/14/04 02:40:35 processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) 
Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:35 app01c$WINNTsystem32configsoftware': the 
object is in use by another proc
09/14/04 02:40:43 essANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) 
Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:43 app01c$WINNTsystem32configsoftware.LOG': 
the object is in use by another
09/14/04 02:40:43 processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) 
Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:43 app01c$WINNTsystem32configsystem': the 
object is in use by another processANE4987E (Session: 1682, Node: 
CCAPP01.LTC.WNYCHS.ORG) Error processing '09/14/04 02:40:43 
app01c$WINNTsystem32configSYSTEM.ALT': the object is in use by another pr

Aaron Durkee
adurkee AT wnychs DOT org
phone: (716) 862-1713
fax: (716) 862-1717
Networking and Telecomm Services
Catholic Health System, Inc
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