Re: What happened to 6 months of archives???

2003-12-14 13:30:22
Subject: Re: What happened to 6 months of archives???
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 13:29:56 -0500
>Yesterday archives ran on some servers as they usually do. The management
>class which used to be set for 6 month retention, was changed to 3 years,
>about 5 days ago.
>ANS1005E TCP/IP read error on socket = 1148, errno = 10053, reason : 'An
>established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.'.
>Can anyone explain the disappearance of the past 6 [months of] archives and
>tell me how I might be able to locate them. They are pretty important files.

I would check the Archive Copy Group to verify the RETVer value, and that the
involved Management Class is Active.  (In particular, make sure someone did not
think "3 months" instead of "3 years" when computing the value.)  Review the
administration date/time of the change to assure that it correlates with what
it is expected to be: if someone made an error in the RETVer value 5 days ago,
then corrected it 4 days ago, thinking all would be well, such is not
necessarily the case.

Second, research your Activity Log for about 5 days ago, looking for an
unusually large Archives expiration - which would be your clue to an error in
the retention value.

Do a Select on the Archives table to see what's in there relative to what you
are looking for. In particular, not the earliest archive dates vs. your
expectation of a six month age.

The IBM web site says that your ANS1005E message probably involves a TSM 5.2
SESSIONINITiation customer-set value that may be inappropriate to your needs.
It may possibly be the case that the archive data is surely in the server
stgpool, but the session configs are thwarting your view of them from the

  Richard Sims, BU

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