Re: weekly archives of Linux clients

2003-07-08 08:18:59
Subject: Re: weekly archives of Linux clients
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 08:18:36 -0400
>I just implemented the first two Linux clients into TSM. Now with the Linux
>clients  there's  the  first  time the requirement to do weekly and monthly
>archives of the complete machine, means all filesystems.
>I  would  like  to  do  that with a TSM client schedule initated by the TSM
>server.  But from the archive command description I have seen that I always
>have  to specify a file specification. So the 'domain all local' won't work
>for  archive,  right?  The need to specify all filesystems means that there
>may  be  filesystems  defined  by the Linux admins which I won't notice and
>therefore won't be archived.
>Any of you guys have an idea how to prevent that risk?

Rainer - Personally, I would start by questioning the premise that a system
         should need weekly and monthly rather than incremental backups,
but that's just me.

If you really need to do something like that, I would avoid a static list of
file systems, as you say.  Because it's an irregular thing, I would have the
work done by Linux scheduling and processing rather than a TSM client schedule.
To get a list of file systems you can use the 'df' or 'mount' commands.
A cuter/sneakier method is to let TSM tell you the file system names: have
"DOMain ALL-LOCAL" (or omit DOMain) in your dsm.opt file, and then do 'dsmc
query opt'/'dsmc show opt' and parse the returned DomainList.  :-)

   Richard Sims, BU            "Think different."   - Apple

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