Erasing recovery log volumes

2003-01-24 05:37:01
Subject: Erasing recovery log volumes
From: Robin van der Vliet <r.van_der.vliet AT DAS DOT NL>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 11:21:19 +0100
Hi all,

To my suprise I found my TSM mountpoint completely filled to the maximum.
This mountpoint holds the TSM Database, Incremental DB backups, Recoverylog
volumes and our DiskPool.
This left me with a lot of urgent messages concerning TSM not being able to
create new files needed for incremental DB backups and additional
recoverlog volumes.

I did manage to erase some old incremental DB backup files, but I am still
needy for some more diskspace in this mountpoint.

I´ve found my recoverylog (although in RollForwardMode) has consumed way
too much space allready in time so I have reset the recoverylog consumption
and the recoverylog´s maximum utilisation which looked great  in the
details... but did not provide more diskspace yet.

Since I can be quite sure not all of my volumes now hold recover
information I wonder if it is possible to delete the last set of volumes,
freeing some more desperate needed diskspace.

Initially I´ve set the first recoverlog to 2 GB which was fine for a long
period of time. After some severe problems though extra volumes have been
created (the triggers work fine... ....)

My current recoverylog details are:

Available Space (MB)          7168
Assigned Capacity (MB)  7168
Maximum Extension (MB)  0
Maximum Reduction (MB)  7144
Page Size (bytes)       4096
Total Usable Pages            1834496
Used Pages              5252
Pct Util                      0.2
Max. Pct Util                 0.2
Physical Volumes        8
Log Pool Pages          512
Log Pool Pct. Util            1.41
Log Pool Pct. Wait            0.00
Cumulative Consumption (MB)   19.39
Consumption Reset Date/Time   2003-01-24 08:30:08.000000

TSM on AIX 4.3.3

Is it possible to erase some of the recoverylog volumes WITHOUT the need
for an unload of the database, and if so... how can this be done?

Thanks in advance,

Robin van der Vliet
DAS Rechtsbijstand

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