Re: 3466 End-of-Life

2002-12-16 20:54:29
Subject: Re: 3466 End-of-Life
From: Mark Stapleton <stapleto AT BERBEE DOT COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 19:53:51 -0600
On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 14:00, Talafous, John G. wrote:
> Hey *SM'ers!  It comes to my attention that 3466's (all models) not only
> have been withdrawn from marketing but will be withdrawn from support April
> 15, 2003. Have I missed an announcement? Could someone please point me to
> it? How many of you will be impacted by support being withdrawn for 3466's?

Yes, there was an announcement. It *was* rather short-noticed, however.

> Our 3466-C00 was purchased in May of 2000. It will not be 3 years old when
> support is withdrawn.  And, an option then was to purchase 3 years of
> maintenance up front!  If I were to purchase a major appliance for my home
> and find that it is not supported less than 3 years later I wouldn't even
> consider another one. What does ITSM expect from us?

Tivoli had nothing to do with withdrawal of the 3466, since Tivoli does
not control IBM Hardware, and IBM Hardware withdrew the devices because
the third party who manufactured the drives withdrew them from
distribution. (Whether just from IBM or worldwide, I don't know.) IBM is
replacing the 3466 with another device; I don't have any details of
that, but I have been told by our inside sales force that there is
something coming.

Don't just to conclusions. Work with your IBM rep and find a solution.

Mark Stapleton (stapleton AT berbee DOT com)

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