Communicating with dsmadmc via named pipes

2002-08-08 08:27:22
Subject: Communicating with dsmadmc via named pipes
From: Jurjen Oskam <jurjen AT QUADPRO.STUPENDOUS DOT ORG>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 14:12:30 +0200
Hi everybody,

I've recently started to work at Trias Zorgverzekeraar in The Netherlands,
a health insurance company. We use TSM on AIX 4.3. I've discovered
this list and its archive. but I've come across something for which I can't seem
to find a solution.

The situation is as follows:

For the daily DRM-related tasks, I've written a Perl script. That
Perl-script uses the TSM-package from CPAN[1], but I'm not really happy
with that package.

What I would like to do is start a dsmadmc process at the start of my Perl
program, issue commands to it and read the results via named pipes. I
have already accomplished this, but the only thing that doesn't work is
the entry of the username and password. Since I don't want to enter the
username and password on the commandline, I'd like to send the
username and password over the pipe. However, this doesn't work here.

Could anybody help me with this? Thanks.

[1] If this doesn't mean anything to you: doesn't matter. It's a way to
issue dsmadmc commands in Perl.
Jurjen Oskam

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