Re: Question on STK 9360 library not working.

2015-10-04 17:10:41
Subject: Re: Question on STK 9360 library not working.
From: Prather, Wanda [mailto:Wanda.Prather AT JHUAPL DOT EDU]
If you are still having the problem, it may be TCP/IP.

When you restart the ssi, you probably had to give it the host name; if it
can't access that host name via TCP/IP, then you are stuck.

ACSLS is server software, TSM is server software, the ssi sits in between
them (even if they are all running on the same host).

When using a TYPE-ACS (ACSLS driven) library, TSM doesn't issue the robotic
commands itself, like it does for a SCSI library.  Instead it sends tells
the ssi what it wants to do (like, mount a tape).  Then the ssi sends the
request on to ACSLS, which sends the command to the robot and also (I think)
sends some sort of ack back to TSM via the ssi.  If something prevents that
inter-process communication from occuring properly, or one of the pieces of
software drops a transaction (or an ack), then you die with an IPC failure.
Redefining the drives or the library won't help; it's a communication thing.

The best way to debug these problems is to become familiar with the ACSLS
software and the lbtest command, so you can break the problem down and
identify what is failing.

When you bring ACSLS up, start cmd_proc and talk to ACSLS directly.  (The
ACSLS commands are described in the ACSLS admin guide, which you can
download in .pdf format from the STK web site.)  Issue a 'q drive all'
command to make sure that acsls is awake and talking.  If there are any
tapes left in the drives (assuming TSM is down, or you wouldn't be having
this problem), dismount them with ACSLS dismount FORCE commands.  If you
can't do this stuff, you need to call STK software support and let them
debug the problem.

Once you have proven that ACSLS is up and talking, start the ssi.  NOW you
want to run the lbtest command.
You will find it in the /usr/tivoli/tsm/devices/bin directory.  CD to that
directory and type:  ./lbtest
Choose 1, manual test.

Pick the commands starting with 51 and up, which are acsls commands.
I usually choose 53, which is q drive all.
Running lbtest lets you send the SAME 'q drive all' command to acsls.  But
you are sending it via ssi.
You should get the same information back (formatted differently) as if you
issue 'q drive all' directly to ACSLS.
This proves that the inter-process communication between ssi and ACSLS is

Now you should be able to start TSM, and it should NOT get an IPC failure.
If you still have the problem, someone has changed your config, or PROBABLY
dns or TCP/IP isn't working.

Hope that helps...
Wanda Prather
The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
wanda_prather AT jhuapl DOT edu

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