Re: How do you pre-config windows dsm.opt file?

2002-02-12 08:21:24
Subject: Re: How do you pre-config windows dsm.opt file?
From: PAC Brion Arnaud <arnaud.brion AT PANALPINA DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 14:20:38 +0100
Hi Keith,

You should add missing lines like "nodename xxxxx",  "tcpserveraddress
xxxxx" and an eventual incle-excl list in your dsm.opt file, before
moving it to baclient directory. This would avoid you to go thru wizard.

| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group     |
| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group     |
| Viaduktstrasse 42, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel - Switzerland |
| Phone: +41 61 226 19 78 / Fax: +41 61 226 17 01       | 
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