cache hit percentage is low around 97%

2001-12-13 22:26:37
Subject: cache hit percentage is low around 97%
From: Pothula S Paparao <9pothula AT SG.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 11:22:52 +0800
hi tsm'ers,
my cachehit pct utilization sometimes drops to 96.7% and few times i see it
touches 99%.  due to this i see slow in server process like migration and
expiration and sessions hanging for long period of time.
please advise me , how can i overcome this. I tried increasing the database
bufferpoolsize to the limit mentioned in admin guide. still i see the low
pct of cache hit.  RAM size is 2GB.
your help in this regard is highly appriciated.

here is the output of q opt and q db f=d

tsm: ADSMSRV1>q opt
Server Option     Option Setting       Server Option     Option Setting
----------------- -------------------- -----------------
CommTimeOut       6,000                IdleTimeOut       30
CommTimeOut       6,000                IdleTimeOut       30
BufPoolSize       262144               LogPoolSize       102400
MessageFormat     1                    Language          en_US
MaxSessions       25                   ExpInterval       0
ExpQuiet          No                   EventServerLoggi- Yes
MirrorRead DB     Normal               MirrorRead LOG    Normal
MirrorWrite DB    Sequential           MirrorWrite LOG   Parallel
VolumeHistory     /tsm/config/volhist- Devconfig
                   ory.dsm                                ig.dsm
TxnGroupMax       40                   MoveBatchSize     40
MoveSizeThresh    500                  StatusMsgCnt      10
RestoreInterval   1,440                UseLargeBuffers   Yes
DisableScheds     No                   NOBUFPREfetch     No
AuditStorage      Yes                  REQSYSauthoutfile Yes
SELFTUNEBUFpools- No                   SELFTUNETXNsize   No
DBPAGEShadow      No                   DBPAGESHADOWFile  dbpgshdw.bdt
QueryAuth         None                 LogWarnFullPerCe- 90
ThroughPutDataTh- 0                    ThroughPutTimeTh- 0
 reshold                                reshold
NOPREEMPT         ( No )
TCPPort           1500                 HTTPPort          1580
HTTPSPort         1543                 TCPWindowsize     0
TCPBufsize        16384                TCPNoDelay        No
IPXSocket         8522                 NetbiosBufferSize 16384
NetbiosSessions   25                   LuName            DSMSERV1
TPNProfilename                         TPNAME            dsmserv
IPXBufferSize     4096                 CommMethod        TCPIP
CommMethod        ShMem                CommMethod        HTTP
MsgInterval       1                    Enable3590Library No
ShmPort           1510                 FileExit
UserExit                               FileTextExit
AssistVCRRecovery Yes                  AcsAccessId
AcsTimeoutX       1                    AcsLockDrive      No
AcsQuickInit      No                   SNMPSubagentPort  1521
SNMPSubagentHost            SNMPHeartBeatInt  5
TECHost                                TECPort           0

tsm: ADSMSRV1>q db f=d

          Available Space (MB): 4,000
        Assigned Capacity (MB): 3,516
        Maximum Extension (MB): 484
        Maximum Reduction (MB): 1,516
             Page Size (bytes): 4,096
            Total Usable Pages: 900,096
                    Used Pages: 141,089
                      Pct Util: 15.7
                 Max. Pct Util: 23.6
              Physical Volumes: 4
             Buffer Pool Pages: 65,536
         Total Buffer Requests: 40,149,837
                Cache Hit Pct.: 96.65
               Cache Wait Pct.: 0.00
           Backup in Progress?: No
    Type of Backup In Progress:
  Incrementals Since Last Full: 0
Changed Since Last Backup (MB): 147.12
            Percentage Changed: 26.70
Last Complete Backup Date/Time: 12/14/01   10:45:42

thanks and regards
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