upgrading tape density

2001-11-15 14:23:36
Subject: upgrading tape density
From: Shawn Bierman <BiermanS AT METHODISTHEALTH DOT ORG>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 13:20:15 -0600

** TSM 4.1 -- AIX -- 3494 Library **

We upgraded our 3590B drives to 3590E1A drives.  We've also started using the 
double density tapes (K).

If I am not mistaken, once the tape has been labeled it will remain at the 
density that it was labeled at.  So, if I labeled a tape with the old 3590B 
drives and the low density tape and this tape gets used and eventually becomes 
scratch again, will it ever be re-labeled at the higher density so that we are 
getting our moneys worth out of our upgrades?

I thought about using a script that would do a 'trap' and watch for tapes 
becoming scratch and then just relabel them at that point.  Anyone been in this 
situation before?

thanks for your time.
Shawn L. Bierman
Shawn L. Bierman
Unix Technical Support Analyst II
Methodist Healthcare
Information Systems
(901) 516-0143 (office)
(901) 516-0043 (fax)
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