Re: TSM and 3590E Tapes

2001-07-11 05:34:01
Subject: Re: TSM and 3590E Tapes
From: Reinhard Mersch <mersch AT UNI-MUENSTER DOT DE>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 11:34:13 +0200
Louis Wiesemann <ljwies01 AT LOUISVILLE DOT EDU> schrieb:
> Thanks.  One thing I'm not clear on is whether I need to set the old B tapes
to readonly or can I let TSM do it for me.  IBM says that the new drives will
not write over a non-scratch tape in the old format.  When TSM calls for an
output tape and the drive detects the old format will it genrate an error that
causes TSM to mark the tape readonly and then mount a scratch tape?  Or should
I set the B tapes to readonly before bringing TSM up with the new drives?

If I remember correctly, the TSM-Sever internally records for each tape,
whether ist has been written by a B-type or E-type drive, and refuses to
_continue_ to write a B-type tape on an E-type drive. You thus only need
to set the FILLING tapes to READONLY, no need to set them all to READONLY
or to define a new storage pool, as someone else mentioned.

It is important, that the TSM server recognizes the new drive types. This
is done by deleting and redefining the drives.

Reinhard Mersch                        Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet
Reinhard Mersch                        Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet
Zentrum fuer Informationsverarbeitung - ehemals Universitaetsrechenzentrum
Roentgenstrasse 9-13, D-48149 Muenster, Germany      Tel: +49(251)83-31583
E-Mail: mersch AT uni-muenster DOT de                       Fax: 
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