Re: Is the session lost or not?

2001-06-01 11:01:48
Subject: Re: Is the session lost or not?
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 11:02:40 -0400
>Richard, the problem is occurring on 4 Notes Mail servers (Win NT).  None
>of my other TSM clients are experiencing this problem.  Even if the client
>machine is totally bogged down by its apps (and I'm sure Notes Mail can do
>its share of bogging), how is it that TSM can't even manage a single peep
>during the course of 15 minutes?

Bob - That's one the developers should answer, but we customers sure know
      it happens, as you can see by historic postings to ADSM-L.
You can see it by watching a session from the server (Q SEss).  The client
software thus far has gone off on its mission of traversing the file system
looking for backup candidates and doesn't come back until it has one.
I've not heard of a "keepalive" being implemented (none is mentioned in the
product Technical Guide redbooks), though you'd think something like that
would be a natural inclusion.  After running into the problem during
historic processing at my site, I ended up with an IDLETimeout value of
60 (minutes).  The product defaults tend to be minimal ones, which do not
have much to do with real-world conditions.

If you find untoward problems with your client, you may want to activate
client tracing for one backup, or otherwise watch the client with an
operating system monitor (or, in the case of a TDP, some kind of database
monitoring facility).

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