restoring on novell server

2001-01-09 04:51:53
Subject: restoring on novell server
From: Ernst Jeschek <jeschek AT WU-WIEN.AC DOT AT>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 10:37:28 +0100

when restoring files on a Novell Server using TSM client v4.1 with
ADSM server, we got the following error:

12/18/2000 18:19:58 (TSA500.NLM 5.3 259) This program cannot allocate a
directory handle.
12/18/2000 18:19:58 ANS4024E Error processing 'VWL8:/DATEN/GROSSE
PLATTE/AO-Dokumente/AOe/SoPol/BUCH.17.1.': file write error
12/18/2000 18:19:59 (TSA500.NLM 5.3 261) This program cannot create a
directory entry.

It seems that the problem is the last dot in the directory name.
Is this correct and are there solutions for this problem?

Any advice would be appreciated.

best regards
ernst jeschek

Ernst.Jeschek AT DOT at                      Fax: +43/1/31336/702
Ernst.Jeschek AT DOT at                      Fax: +43/1/31336/702
Zentrum fuer Informatikdienste, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, Austria
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