Re: TSM security - sharing STK library with other apps

2000-12-21 15:36:53
Subject: Re: TSM security - sharing STK library with other apps
From: Christine Wickham <christine.wickham.b AT BAYER DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 14:22:51 -0500
We are currently using an STK 9740, shared between 3 ADSM servers and a Unitree

We use separate pools for each server, and have implemented volume ownership,
all through ACSLS.   This requires us to have scratch tapes in each pool.

Additionally, to make the tape easier to differentiate when out of the library,
we've set the ADSM tapes to start with the letter A. The unitree tapes don't
have any letters.

We also use Gresham Software's DTELM product on the ADSM servers  - one of the
features is  that blank (not electronically labeled) tapes can be put in the
library as scratch tapes and they will be labeled when needed.  Another feature
is that you specify the ACSLS pool from which tapes can be used.  For example,
server ADSM1 is assigned to pool 100. Tape A12345 is in pool 100, but has a
volume owner of ADSM2 (someone fat fingered a command).  ADSM1 will not be
allowed to mount tape A12345 because the ownership is not correct.

Chris Wickham
System Administrator
Bayer Corporation, Pharma Division
christine.wickham.b AT bayer DOT com