Re: Restore

2000-09-06 16:21:28
Subject: Re: Restore
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 16:20:26 -0400
>You need to use the -FROMNODE option of the RETREIVE or RESTORE command.

Actually, -VIRTUALNodename is the proper option in this case.
-FROMNode should be used where Set Access has been employed to
give another user access to certain of your files.
give another user access to certain of your files.
You *might* achieve the same result by using -FROMNode, but only until
the vendor moves the umbrella, and then you get wet.  In any case,
trying to get by using an inappropriate option obscures intent,
particularly when such things become cast in scripts, causing later
personnel to go looking for the Set Access they are led to believe
is involved.  A classic no-no in system administration, in that it
results in people wasting their time chasing phantoms.
   Richard Sims, BU
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