Scheduling backups for an NT cluster node.

2000-03-13 22:56:12
Subject: Scheduling backups for an NT cluster node.
From: Gerardo Zapata <gzapata AT AVANTEL DOT NET>
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 19:56:12 -0800
I cant' get the scheduled backup to work for the cluster node. Here the 

1. -Cluster name: s_modelo
2. -Nodes: s_coronita and s_moravia
3. -Volumes to backup:
Shared Disk Resource D: located in the 'IPSHA Disk Group 3' group at the MSCS.
Sahred Disk Resource F: located in the 'Cluster Group' group at the MSCS.

4. -The system account used by the scheduler service is the Administrator 
account, having all access privileges for the cluster resources.
5. -I'm using the following command to define the Scheduler Service for a 
specific gropu in the cluster:

D:\ADSM\baclient>dsmcutil install /name:"TSM Scheduler Service for IPSHA Group" 
/clientdir:d:\adsm\baclient /optfile:d:\adsm\baclient\ipsha_g3.opt 
/node:ipshag3 /password:adsm /validate:no /autostart:yes /startnow:yes 

6. -I have tried many options when defining the '/group' parameter, i.e


7. -If I specify teh option: '/clusternode:yes' when defining the service with 
the 'dsmcutil install' command I get the following message at the 
'dsmerror.log' file when starting the service:

03/13/2000 15:34:05 ANS1107E Invalid option/value: '-ClusterNode='Yes''
03/13/2000 15:34:20 ANS1107E Invalid option/value: '-ClusterNode='Yes''

8. -The 'dsmcutil list' commmand shows the following:


TSM Windows NT Client Service Configuration Utility
Command Line Interface Version 3.00.a
Last Updated Aug 18 1999
TSM Api Verison 4.1.0

Command: List Installed TSM Client Services
Machine: S_CORONITA (Local Machine)

Installed TSM Scheduler Services:

   1. TSM Client Acceptor
   2. TSM Remote Client Agent
   3. TSM Scheduler Service for IPSHA Group 3

3 TSM Client Services were located.

9. -The 'dsmcutil query' command shows the following:

D:\ADSM\baclient>dsmcutil query /name:"TSM Scheduler Service for IPSHA Group 3"

TSM Windows NT Client Service Configuration Utility
Command Line Interface Version 3.00.a
Last Updated Aug 18 1999
TSM Api Verison 4.1.0

Command: Query TSM Client Service Parameters
Machine: S_CORONITA (Local Machine)

Connecting to service 'TSM Scheduler Service for IPSHA Group 3' ...

Service Configuration/Status:

Service Name   : TSM Scheduler Service for IPSHA Group 3
Logon Account  : LocalSystem
Start Type     : Auto
Current Status : Started

TSM Client Service Registry Settings:

Client Service Type = Client Scheduler Service
Client Directory    = d:\adsm\baclient\dsmcsvc.exe
Options file        = d:\adsm\baclient\ipsha_g3.opt
Event Logging       = On
TSM Client Node    = IPSHAG3
Comm Protocol       = (value not currently set)
Server              = (value not currently set)
Server Port         = (value not currently set)
Schedule Log        = (value not currently set)
Error Log           = (value not currently set)
MSCS Enabled Node   = (value not currently set)
Cluster group name  = (value not currently set)


**Note that there is no value for the 'Cluster group name' field although 
specified in the 'dsmcutil install' command.

10. -The 'sched.log' file:

03/13/2000 15:25:22 Querying server for next scheduled event.
03/13/2000 15:25:22 Node Name: IPSHAG3
03/13/2000 15:25:22 Session established with server ADSM: Windows NT
03/13/2000 15:25:22   Server Version 3, Release 7, Level 1.0
03/13/2000 15:25:22   Server date/time: 03/13/2000 15:25:22  Last access: 
03/13/2000 15:22:49

03/13/2000 15:25:22 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY BEGIN
03/13/2000 15:25:22 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY END
03/13/2000 15:25:22 Next operation scheduled:
03/13/2000 15:25:22 ------------------------------------------------------------
03/13/2000 15:25:22 Schedule Name:         S_MODELO
03/13/2000 15:25:22 Action:                Incremental
03/13/2000 15:25:22 Objects:
03/13/2000 15:25:22 Options:
03/13/2000 15:25:22 Server Window Start:   15:24:00 on 03/13/2000
03/13/2000 15:25:22 ------------------------------------------------------------
03/13/2000 15:25:22
Executing scheduled command now.
03/13/2000 15:25:22 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT BEGIN S_MODELO 03/13/2000 15:24:00
03/13/2000 15:25:22 Incremental backup of volume '\\S_MODELO\D$'
03/13/2000 15:25:23 ANS1228E Sending of object '\\s_modelo\d$' failed
03/13/2000 15:25:23 ANS1063E Invalid path specification

03/13/2000 15:25:25 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
03/13/2000 15:25:25 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END S_MODELO 03/13/2000 15:24:00
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Scheduled event 'S_MODELO' completed successfully.
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Sending results for scheduled event 'S_MODELO'.
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Results sent to server for scheduled event 'S_MODELO'.

03/13/2000 15:25:25 ANS1483I Schedule log pruning started.
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Schedule Log Prune: 65 lines processed.  0 lines pruned.
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Pruned lines saved to d:\adsm\baclient\
03/13/2000 15:25:25 ANS1484I Schedule log pruning finished successfully.
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Querying server for next scheduled event.
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Node Name: IPSHAG3
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Session established with server ADSM: Windows NT
03/13/2000 15:25:25   Server Version 3, Release 7, Level 1.0
03/13/2000 15:25:25   Server date/time: 03/13/2000 15:25:25  Last access: 
03/13/2000 15:25:22

03/13/2000 15:25:25 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY BEGIN
03/13/2000 15:25:25 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY END
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Next operation scheduled:
03/13/2000 15:25:25 ------------------------------------------------------------
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Schedule Name:         S_MODELO
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Action:                Incremental
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Objects:
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Options:
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Server Window Start:   15:24:00 on 03/14/2000
03/13/2000 15:25:25 ------------------------------------------------------------
03/13/2000 15:25:25 Waiting to be contacted by the server.

11. -The 'error.log' file:

03/13/2000 15:40:53 ANS1228E Sending of object '\\s_modelo\d$' failed
03/13/2000 15:40:53 ANS1078S *** Unknown system error 3007; program ending ***

12. -There is no problem when launching a manual backup:

D:\ADSM\baclient>dsmc i -optfile=d:\adsm\baclient\ipsha_g3.opt
Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Backup Client Interface - Version 3, Release 7, Level 0.0
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 1999, All Rights Reserved.

Node Name: IPSHAG3
Session established with server ADSM: Windows NT
  Server Version 3, Release 7, Level 1.0
  Server date/time: 03/13/2000 16:27:40  Last access: 03/13/2000 16:25:30

Incremental backup of volume '\\S_MODELO\D$'
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\ [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\ADSM [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\GEZATMP [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\tsm_img [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\USUARIOF [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AE [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFRP [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEMACRO [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AESECESC [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AESPOOL [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\Archivo General 2
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\cds [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\CutsII [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\DCOTOS [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\DOCTOS [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\IMAGENES [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\kodak [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\MCH [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\quickdb [Sent]
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\sae [Sent]
Normal File-->           148,356 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\ [Sent]

Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\COREL
Directory-->                   0 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\FormFlow
Normal File-->           641,078 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0060 19 FEB.dib
Normal File-->           761,078 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0060.dib
Normal File-->           641,078 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0061.dib
Normal File-->           527,958 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0301.DIB
Normal File-->           847,398 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0404.dib
Normal File-->           946,578 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0405.dib
Normal File-->           897,778 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0410.DIB
Normal File-->           319,462 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0512.dib
Normal File-->           753,078 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0513.DIB
Normal File-->           753,078 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0521.DIB
Normal File-->           765,238 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0541.dib
Normal File-->           765,238 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0542.dib
Normal File-->           765,238 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0545.dib
Normal File-->           953,078 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0666.DIB
Normal File-->           953,078 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\0667.DIB
Normal File-->           969,678 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\101.dib
Normal File-->           969,678 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\101a.dib
Normal File-->            91,786 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\112.DIB
Normal File-->           785,078 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\248.DIB
Normal File-->            93,062 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\248.OLD
Normal File-->           691,278 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\515.dib
Normal File-->           691,278 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\515a.dib
Normal File-->           743,638 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\531.dib
Normal File-->           936,378 \\s_modelo\d$\AEUSARIO\AEFORMA\666.DIB

13. -The 'dsm.opt' file:

Commmethod              tcpip
tcpport                 1500
COMPression             ON
NODENAME                IPSHAg3
DOMAIN                  d:
Exclude "*:\macintosh volume\*"
Exclude "*:\macintosh volume\*.*"
Exclude "*:\macintosh volume\...\*"
Exclude "*:\macintosh volume\...\*.*"
Exclude "*:\microsoft uam volume\*"
Exclude "*:\microsoft uam volume\*.*"
Exclude "*:\microsoft uam volume\...\*"
Exclude "*:\microsoft uam volume\...\*.*"
Exclude "*:\...\EA DATA. SF"
Exclude *:\...\pagefile.sys
Exclude *:\IBMBIO.COM
Exclude *:\IBMDOS.COM
Exclude *:\MSDOS.SYS
Exclude *:\IO.SYS
Exclude *:\...\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\*.*
Exclude *:\...\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\...\*
Exclude *:\...\*.TMP
Exclude *:\...\*.~MP
Exclude *:\...\*.BAK
Exclude *:\...\*.MP3
Exclude *:\...\*.TMP
Exclude *:\...\*.CUR
Exclude *:\...\*.BAT
Exclude *:\...\*.INF
Exclude *:\...\*.FON
Exclude *:\...\*.SCR
Exclude *:\...\*.VXD
Exclude *:\...\*.OCX
Exclude *:\...\*.BIN
Exclude *:\...\*.TTF
Exclude *:\...\*.DLL
Exclude *:\...\*.CAB
Exclude *:\...\*.SYS
Exclude *:\...\*.COM
Exclude *:\...\*.DRV
Exclude *:\...\*.EXE
Exclude *:\...\*.MP3
Exclude *:\...\*.MP2
Exclude *:\...\*.HTM
Exclude *:\...\*.HTML
*                        DIRECTORIOS NO RESPALDADOS DE D:
Exclude d:\adsm\...\*
Exclude.dir *:\adsm\...\*
Exclude.dir *:\recycler
Exclude.dir *:\software
Exclude.dir *:\tsm_img\...\*
Exclude *:\aeusario\cds\...\*
*                        DIRECTORIOS NO RESPALDADOS DE F:
Exclude *:\db2\...\*
Exclude *:\db2bk\...\*
Exclude *:\db2profs\...\*
Exclude *:\impresor\...\*
Exclude.dir *:\recycler
Exclude *:\spool\...\*
*                        DIRECTORIO A RESPALDAR DE D: Y F:
Include *:\aeusario\aespool\...\*.* cold
*Include *:\aeusario\imagenes\...\*.* imaging
Include *:\usuariof\...\*.*
Include *:\usuarios\...\*.*

SUbdir                  Yes
TAPEPROMPT              YES
BACKUPREG               YES
passwordaccess          generate
clusternode             yes
schedlogname            d:\adsm\baclient\ipsha_sched.log
errorlogname                          d:\adsm\baclient\ipsha_error.log

I think there is a syntax problem when defining the Scheduler Service parameter 
for '/group:clustername'. If you take a look at the 'dsmcutil query' command 
output there is no value for 'Cluster group name': Cluster group name  = (value 
not currently set).

Thanks in advance,

Gerardo Zapata Gonzalez
Tivoli Professional Services
IBM de Mixico
(52 5) 270 5740
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