Re: Comminication OS390 Batchjob with TSM 3.7 on AIX

2000-02-03 09:40:55
Subject: Re: Comminication OS390 Batchjob with TSM 3.7 on AIX
From: James SPORER <james.sporer AT CCMAIL.ADP.WISC DOT EDU>
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 08:40:55 -0600
     You certainly can do that.  You need to run a batch tso job that
     executes DSMADMC and has a DSCOPT DD card that points to an options
     data set that has a TCPServeraddress  entry with the address of the
     AIX ADSM server.
     Jim Sporer

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Comminication OS390 Batchjob with TSM 3.7 on AIX
Author:  "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU> at IPNET
Date:    2/3/00 10:02 AM


does anybody know if it is possible to start a batchjob from OS/390 which will
communicate with a adsm-server (3.7) on aix. Because we have a scheduler on
OS/390 I would like to use the funtionality of it. The batchjob should do for
example  a "Query"  or "Select". There is a TCPIP Connection between OS390 and
aix. Any ideas how I can do that?


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