Re: MSSQL is unable to send backup data through pipe to the connect agent.

1999-11-15 09:20:49
Subject: Re: MSSQL is unable to send backup data through pipe to the connect agent.
From: Frederic Landreville <landrefl AT YAHOO DOT COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 15:20:49 +0100
You may want to look at your COMMITIMEOUT value on the server... I found
that with Exchange, SQL and Oracle, the default value for the COMMITIMEOUT
was not great enough and we were getting the same problems as you...

Hope it helps...

Frederic Landreville    email: landrefl AT yahoo DOT com
Lead Technical Analyst --- Yahoo Messenger Id: LANDREFL
R.J. Reynolds International B.V. (Hilversum) Geneva Branch
14, Chemin Rieu CH-1211 Geneva 17
Tel: +41-22-703-0323 Fax: +41-22-703-0324

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