Re: UPDATING in dsmsched.log.........

1999-07-09 06:59:03
Subject: Re: UPDATING in dsmsched.log.........
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 06:59:03 -0400
>Can anyone tell me what the meaning of 'UPDATING..........' is in the
>dsmsched.log on our NT clients.

From my notes pertaining to the Unix environment:

Updating-->                             Leads the line of output from a Backup
                                        operation, as when backup is incited
                                        by the file's ctime (inode
                                        administrative change time) having been
                                        altered, as would be caused by
                                        performing an operation like chown,
                                        chgrp, gunzip then gzip, or the like
                                        such that only the ctime value changes.
  Richard Sims, BU
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