Re: drm and prim stg

1999-05-09 16:55:46
Subject: Re: drm and prim stg
From: Bruce Elrick <belrick AT HOME DOT COM>
Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 14:55:46 -0600

Methinks you are misunderstanding what the drmprimstgpool is for.  It allows you
to specifiy a subset of primary stgpools to be recovered by DRM.  The main 
is to change the list of primary stgpools included in the STGPOOLS.RESTORE macro
in the DRM plan file from all pools to just those you specify.

It does not cause primary stgpool volumes to be sent off site.

Check out:



> drm doesn`t take notice of my primary storage pool? Or what`s wrong with my
> config?
> The thing`s aroung tape CQM756. It`s in the prim stg tape_arc_month.
> It doesn`t show up in
> adsm> q drm
> Volume Name        State               Last Update           Automated
>                                        Date/Time             LibName
> ----------------   -----------------   -------------------   ----------------
> CQM698             Vault               05/07/99   17:19:05
> CQM703             Vault               05/05/99   14:41:58
> CQM753             Vault               04/27/99   14:01:03
> CQM757             Vault retrieve      05/03/99   11:22:53
> CQM761             Vault               05/04/99   15:31:18
> CQM752             Mountable           05/08/99   13:30:06   ATL0_P1000
> CQM762             Vault               05/07/99   17:19:06
> CQM755             Vault               05/07/99   17:19:06
> CQM759             Vault               05/05/99   14:41:58
> CQM758             Vault               05/05/99   14:41:59
> CQM754             Vault               05/04/99   15:31:19
> CQM696             Vault retrieve      05/04/99   15:31:19
> Session established with server ISISADSM: Solaris 2.6/7
>   Server Version 3, Release 1, Level 2.20
>   Server date/time: 05/09/99   12:14:19  Last access: 05/09/99   10:56:28
>               Recovery Plan Prefix: /opt/IBMadsm-s/drmdata
>           Plan Instructions Prefix: /opt/IBMadsm-s/drmdata
>         Replacement Volume Postfix: @
>              Primary Storage Pools: TAPE_ARC_MONTH
>                 Copy Storage Pools: TAPE_CPY1
>        Not Mountable Location Name: Offsite
>                       Courier Name: Operator
>                    Vault Site Name: Tresor
>   DB Backup Series Expiration Days: 5 Day(s)
> Recovery Plan File Expiration Days: 60 Day(s)
>                       Check Label?: No
>          Process FILE Device Type?: No
>                  Command File Name: /opt/IBMadsm-s/drmdata/drm.cmds
> adsm> q vol
> ...
> CQM695                    TAPE_BKP1    ATL_CLASS    35,840.0   11.3  Filling
> CQM698                    TAPE_CPY1    ATL_CLASS    35,840.0   20.6  Filling
> CQM701                    TAPE_BKP1    ATL_CLASS    30,526.4   96.7    Full
> CQM703                    TAPE_CPY1    ATL_CLASS         0.0    0.0  Pending
> CQM753                    TAPE_CPY1    ATL_CLASS    30,641.3   99.9    Full
> CQM756                    TAPE_ARC_M-  ATL_CLASS    35,840.0   35.4  Filling
>                            ONTH
> CQM757                    TAPE_CPY1    ATL_CLASS         0.0    0.0   Empty
> CQM761                    TAPE_CPY1    ATL_CLASS         0.0    0.0  Pending
> ...
> adsm> q stg TAPE_ARC_MONTH f=d
>                Storage Pool Name: TAPE_ARC_MONTH
>                Storage Pool Type: Primary
>                Device Class Name: ATL_CLASS
>          Estimated Capacity (MB): 358,400.0
>                         Pct Util: 3.5
>                         Pct Migr: 10.0
>                      Pct Logical: 100.0
>                     High Mig Pct: 90
>                      Low Mig Pct: 70
>                  Migration Delay: 0
>               Migration Continue: Yes
>              Migration Processes:
>                Next Storage Pool:
>             Reclaim Storage Pool:
>           Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
>                           Access: Read/Write
>                      Description: tape pool for monthly archiving
>                Overflow Location:
>            Cache Migrated Files?:
>                       Collocate?: No
>            Reclamation Threshold: 60
>  Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 10
>    Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 0 Day(s)
>           Migration in Progress?: No
>             Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
> Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
>         Reclamation in Progress?: No
>  Volume Being Migrated/Reclaimed:
>   Last Update by (administrator): NZLWF8
>            Last Update Date/Time: 04/22/99   11:55:40
> Thx
> Stefan
> Stefan Krampen
> Engineering & Production Projects
> EDS Electronic Data Systems Fertigungsindustrie
> (Deutschland) GmbH
> c/o Deutz AG
> Ottostr 1
> 51149 Kvln
> Fon:   0221 822 5496
> Fax:   0221 822 4856
> Cell:  0171 3364 855
> eMail: krampen AT usa DOT net
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Bruce Elrick, Ph.D.
Bruce Elrick, Ph.D.
mailto:belrick AT home DOT com
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