Silo 9310 shared between ADSM AIX and MVS

1999-03-11 04:32:04
Subject: Silo 9310 shared between ADSM AIX and MVS
From: Mariajo Rodriguez Canales <mari_jose AT ES.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 10:32:04 +0100
Hi everybody, could anybody help me?.

I have a customer who has a Silot STK 9310 shared between an ADSM AIX
Server and MVS. They are using ADSM Enhanced Server for STK as an interface
between AIX and MVS for tape mounts. ADSM AIX is using four Timberline
drives for backup of files from clients.  ADSM AIX Server is V2.1.06 and
now they are migrating to an ADSM MVS Server V3.1.2.

After installing ADSM server on OS/390, I tried to export information from
Data Base in AIX Server (admin and policy information), to a tape
controlled by ADSM on AIX. It worked, but, when I tried to import that tape
on ADSM OS/390, I got several error messages, identifying an invalid block
header on device where the volume tape is mounted. ADSM on MVS dismounts
the volume and IMPORT ends with a failure of internal error encountered in
accessing data.

I don't know which the problem is. Is that an export on ADSM version 2
can't be imported on ADSM version 3 server?. Is the problem that an export
on AIX platform has a different block header information than on MVS
platform?. Do we have to update microcode on STK Silo for version 3
server?. Or maybe the problem is a bad definition of device classes between
server on AIX and server on OS/390.

The device class definitions are the following:

      AIX Server:   Devclass= CINTA_STK  Devtype=STK  Format=STK9490
                               Library=Robot  Libtype=SSI

     OS/390 Server:  Devclass=CINTA_STK  Devtype=CART  UNIT=3490

Are they compatible? any suggestions?.

Please, if anybody could help I would be very pleased, because we don't
have a lot of time and my customer is waiting for an answer.

Thank you very much,

María José Rodríguez Canales
Dpto. Gestión de Sistemas y Redes - IBM
e-mail: mari_jose AT DOT com
Tf:  91 - 397 70 19
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